Most of us are really bad at managing our money.
We’re terrible in fact. From student debt and mortgages to credit cards
and car loans, most people are in the red when it comes to their
finances. Today we’re going to take a close look at how we can prevent
ourselves from committing fatal financial errors. Budgeting is the
obvious answer, but how you budget is even more important. You can’t
just wake up one day, create a budget, and hope to stick to it. It’s
kind of like a new year’s resolution to work out at the gym. They’re a
dime a dozen but very few people stick to them. To follow your budget
you will need to start living a principled life. This is hard because it
will mean forgoing certain things that you want to do or giving up
various desires. If you successfully implement everything that we talk
about in this list you should be well on your way to living a more
responsible life, at least in financial terms. Just remember, change
doesn’t happen overnight, usually it can take a while. These are some
simple ways to keep a budget and live within your means.
Before you even pay the bills, take 10% of your income and put it in
Before your buy anything, calculate how
many hours it took you to earn that amount. This is another way to avoid
impulse buys.
Keep all of your receipts or make your own and at the end of the day
list your expenditures
At the end of each month you can track your spending and see where you
can adjust it |
Create grocery lists before you go shopping and only buy the things on
your list
Pay off your credit card purchases within 48 hours
Before you buy anything, ask yourself if you really need it or if you
just really want it
Stay healthy, eat right, and exercise. Health problems can be the
biggest drain on your finances.
Try to limit the number the advertisements that you
are exposed to. It can unknowingly affect your buying habits.
Don't shop at the mall. For most people there is just
too much tempation
Pack your own lunch everyday. You can potentially save
thousands of dollars over the long run.
Don't compete with other people. You don't need the
same car/house/clothes that they have (this is much easier to do if you
take our last bit of advice about remembering your financial goals)
Whether its making dinner or changing your own oil, be creative and try
to do things on your own. This will save you money and you'll learn a
few things along the way.
Time is money. To save money you'll have to learn to manage your time.
Focus your attention on the most important and productive tasks.
Try to avoid brand names if you can help it. Sure, sometimes they are
better quality but for the most part they are just a label. |