These Are Allowed And These Are Not Allowed To FATA

(Mohammad Ayaz Khan, Bajaur Agency, FATA.)

Though, every living organism have sensation but in human its intensity is at peak.If not all but most of the human have five sense of organs which are conspicuous in nature and we can observe them with naked eyes.In normal, if these organs are working then the functions of them are almost the same. For example if I see a red color,the other person with normal prudence will perceive it the same.

Above these five senses human has some others sensations,in which human mind is peculiar one. Now, the sensitivity of this organ vary from individual to individual,in short we cant define human mind but in our common language we often used to call one person sensitive and other one senseless based on his/her reaction toward his/her surrounding. Again sensitivity of an individual depends on his/her motives and attitude toward a particular object, place,idea or person but here I am allowing some people to come to FATA and for the rest I will just say that sorry Mr/Mrs you are not allowed. Because care is better than we are sorry.

If you are a person with dictatorship mind set and having some brutality in mind then FATA is a suitable place for you to come and execute your power. Because here no one can dare to ask from you if you are an elite one, each and every thing is fair for you. If you have power and you don’t have prestige and wealth then don’t waste your time anymore, because you are getting old, time is running away and even you don’t have at least money? Here I am suggesting you that exercise your power in FATA and you will became a rich and the most prestigious one. But it is possible only when you come to FATA.

If you are a stupid, illiterate and unsound mind Malik and (God forbid) if you have been displaced from FATA and now you are not living your life as a well reputed lawyer (Malik) don’t worry you can resume your position and status back, because due to the reforms in FATA criminal regulation (FCR), you have been legalized because the JIRGA system has been legalized and all our nonsense disputes are awaiting to you. So let me informed you that come to FATA because the judicial system is because of you.

Now, if you are an educated person, then my dear, let me tell you that living in FATA with educated mind requires a great heart. So dear don’t bother to come to FATA, because you will became insane very soon, so, please don’t put your life into trouble, life is the meaning of a live heart and here your heart will become die and you will remain no longer a live person by heart.

If you have sense of humanity, means that if you know what humanity is and how human should be treated in humanistic way then FATA is not a suitable place for you.Because here every so called human will demand for humanity and if they don’t demands, you will be a human and then you will realized that every person over here just need humanity, so you will be alone and the demand will be numberless which will hurt you a lot. So to avoid this monotonous and fatigue in your life because of this overhead demand of humanity with less supply, enjoy your life somewhere else but don’t come to FATA.

In short, all those people are allowed who want to treat FATA differently, whether they have reason for it or not because here no one can ask from them why they are doing so and why you are out of the track. And those who think that we all are Muslims, WE ARE BROTHER IN EACH OTHER, we are PAKISTANI, so we must treat every one equally, sorry your idea is not applicable in FATA, don’t come to FATA with this vision because FATA is an exceptional case.

Mohammad Ayaz Khan
About the Author: Mohammad Ayaz Khan Read More Articles by Mohammad Ayaz Khan: 3 Articles with 2747 views Ayaz is a down to earth guy highly interested in human behavior and can be defeated only through logic and reasons rather than raising voices. .. View More