Why Answerable Pakistan for Terrorism?

(Hafiz Mansoor Jagiot, Islamabad)

Some misguided elements in India, the pseudo-intellectuals from the west also continue their propaganda against Islam and especially Pakistan. In NYT a writer blames, “when you map WMDs and terrorism, all roads intersect in Pakistan." The moment Indian authorities came to know through media that Mumbai has been attacked on November 26, New Delhi did not waste any time in leveling allegations that all attackers were Pakistanis. Surging toward Failure in Afghanistan or Mumbai drama, US and India suspect Pakistan is responsible for terrorism.
How much fair is this? When US or India is struck by terrorism, rather than blaming the failure of their intelligence and security forces they say -' it is Pakistan's fault'. When Pakistan is struck by terrorism, rather than showing sympathy and coming forward they again say - 'it is also Pakistan's fault'. It's a smart tactic because if they blamed this attack on Pakistan, they won't have to accept that there are similar terrorist elements in their own country which they can't do anything about. Why answerable or responsible Pakistan for terrorism?
For years it has been soft on the terrorists just to fulfill its agenda of getting Kashmir. However, the same has been done by all the nations of the world. India is using its embassy and consulates in Afghanistan to harbor, train and fund Baloch separatists who are waging an insurgency in Balochistan, trying to undermine Pakistan’s influence in Afghanistan and even backing of terrorist elements in Pakistan. US nurture terrorism in Afghanistan for long when it had to get Russia out. With the US-led war on terror, no one but the Muslim fraternity is targeted. Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kashmir are places where Muslims have been persecuted and subjected to repression and foreign occupation. In all these cases, Muslims have been pushed against the wall with the result that the world has become a more violent, more radicalized and more dangerous place to live in. It is true that the plight of Muslims in the US and western countries, especially after 9/11, is harrowing. In many American states, Evangelists use vitriolic and even abusive language on radio and other media not only against Muslims but also against Islam. In the recent past, blasphemous cartoons published in Scandinavian countries have hurt the feelings and sentiments of Muslims throughout the world.

We are against terrorism and Pakistan does not support any terrorism. We don't think Mumbi attack was done by Pakistani (Ajmal Qasab). Ajmal Kasab has recently denied all charges before the Mumbai court as well as his allege links with Lashkar-e-Tayyiaba or Pakistan. We don't understand that if India is so much want peace with Pakistan, why not resolve the issue of Kashmir. Why not follow the rulings of UN and have the Kashmiris decide what they want? And it is not unfair since it was the part of the partition that Muslim majority areas will be in Pakistan? Pakistan surely is cornered by terrorism problem, right now. And this is the actual time for India and US to make the right ties and stand by them to help them out of the mess. The common man in Pakistan wants peace as much as the World wants.

Hafiz Mansoor Jagiot
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