Vitriolic White Man

(Shakir Mumtaz, Riverdale,GA USA)

 Current Presidential election campaign has exposed several fault lines of American society. Economic stagnation has veritably changed the mass-psychology, way of rationalization, level of tolerance and religiosity. Economic slumber of decades; engendered an undercurrent in the societal conduct; in the form of a vitriolic white man’s rebellion against immigrants and religions; which in its aftermath, must have landed sociologist, behaviorist and anthropologist alike on a unique learning curve.

Despite a recent uptick in economic activity; due to sustained steering coupled with huge capital injections, has not resulted in the alleviation of the average Joe. Although jobs are being generated and added to the workforce but mostly of part-time and temporary nature; which due to the global-parity-compulsions offer lower pay with least or no benefits. The result is that families are faced with a permanent state of uncertainty and fear. Due to shrinking or stagnant income in the face of rising costs; everyone has to pitch in to maintain their abode intact; which in turn has destroyed the fundamental structure of a family; more so of a white family, who used to be a conspicuous representation of a thriving, prosperous, well-knit American society. Father, who used to hold an esteemed status in familial-hierarchy, has either gone missing or become irrelevant. His role has been relegated to one of the breadwinners of a group. He now has to compete with younger people, of different tastes, odd work schedules, with a different set of issues, and somewhat better informed; pretending to be a family-head in control. In extreme cases, he has to even swap the role with his spouse. There is hardly an occasion for dinner table exchange of banalities. This has destroyed the inner core of the society transforming it into a bitter and intolerant one.

On the outer spectrum as well there is a huge shift due to the variegated flow of immigrants. They come with their own ingrained set of values; which are often at odd with American values; more so with inconceivably perverted values, which misleadingly are being boasted about and chaperoned as freedom of choice and expression.

In nut-shell white man is under a constant onslaught from every direction. First, he ceded to irreligiosity in the cloak of utilitarianism, then to the Abolition of slavery, then to the justification-of-equity in the shape of affirmative action, then to Mexicans and Latino workers. The recent spate of variegated immigrants, however, is the harshest, since it is at a (financially) hard time. There are not many jobs, not enough income, fractured family structure, degradation of moral values and society, as a whole, up in arms. It has pushed a sizeable segment of society in belligerent mode. A recent survey showing 24% increase in suicide rate (especially women) is an alarming vindication of societal frustration. They are vehemently against the influx of immigrant (mostly Muslim immigrants/refugees—given the sustained, premeditated demonization of Islam and Muslims). An unscrupulous, demagogue, presidential hopeful, Donald Trump, seized on these sentiments and started targeting Muslim and Mexican to win the election.

These immigrants come with their own set of values, work hard, get a good education and often land good jobs or establish successful businesses. They often stay and operate within their own groups except when they have to otherwise. They adopt American values but strictly based on necessity or compulsion. (Second generation, however, acts and behaves on more American less immigrant level). In fact, they traverse in parallel value-systems with ease; one from back home and the other need-based American. Their work ethics, moral standards, religious ethos and ratiocination; which are time-tested, put the white man under immense pressure despite their minimal proportion. White man seems to have been pushed to the wall for enumerated reasons. Ironically they feel under threat of being wiped out, as a majority, within their own country, which is ironically claimed and owned by all equally! They, as early settlers of several generations ago, think have an emphatically exclusive, claim and rights to America, unlike a newly sworn citizen. (Needless to say, it is the most cherished part of being an American for which some pay very heavy price).

This hurt is more pronounced in the middle-class and most in the lower middle class; who, more often, lay down an exclusive claim of being true American. These folks are so frustrated that they are ready to take on anything and everything. They think it is the matter of their survival. I am all sympathetic to their “Nationalistic” plight, but now this is other’s adopted/chosen home too; who after few generations would be standing with them, in the same shoes! The jingoistic course of action, chosen by them, therefore, is misleading and futile. They should rather, gain awareness, Learn, how to re-invent themselves, retrain, get educated, stay away from drugs, alcohol, pre-marital sex/pregnancies, hate, anger and frustration. Stop hating religions and God; because it simply deprives one of the privilege and faculty of contemplation, entailing humbleness and sense of gratitude. A recent jump in suicide rate could very well be related to this deprivation. Start having normal families and achievable goals. It won’t be long that you will become relevant and important as anyone else Stasis is unsustainable. Harboring negative feelings is an anecdote of self-immolation. Trump phenomenon, as people call it, is not really a solution to the ills of an American man. It is but an opportunistic cashing of the situation by a tabloid-famed, self-indulgent, demagogue. In the end, he probably would be flying high but you sure would be the in worst of a situation. The truth is that none of the politicians is interested in your or my welfare but his/her own. It is time for sagacity and wisdom to prevail. The choice is yours!

Shakir Mumtaz
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