How our media is ruining our country

(Laila Siddiqui, Karachi)

From the word 'media' anybody can sense the safety of their country or the pillars to success of their country but mostly people are not noticing that how easily a country can be destroyed by the wrong use of media.

If we talk about only our country which is Pakistan then the whole media is ruining almost everything.Although media has many advantages as it is the best platform to make our politicians realized that what's happening in their ruling country moreover media awakes our leaders about poverty, lack of financial sources, killings and many other problems but on the other hand somehow our media is creating a dangerous fuss that's harming us in every possible way.
First of all our news channels severely need to stop competing.Their competitions with the other channels are weakening our economy and the image of Pakistan.They all are seeming hungry for their ratings and attention.

Media is somewhat a moral platform where people are supposed to show the truths, the realities and the facts about every aspect but these days media is a name of competition, entertainment shows and a platform to do immoral activities publicly.People these days are not being that religious that they are supposed to be but the most painful thing is that the people are flaunting about this openly through the media.

Apart from a religious point of view our media is showing only the darker and the worst side of Pakistan. We agree that our country has so many issues and indeed they must have been discussed and should be shown to public for the awareness but the valid point is that our media is supposed to show these issues within the limits. Since our media is finding lacks and odds in every single thing of Pakistan, the image of Pakistan to foreign countries and people has been ruined miserably by our very own media.

The owners of news channels should focus on the discovery of truth rather than gaining the ratings by just getting footages first,This doesn't only affect the foreign people but also our own people and changes the relaxed side of people's minds.

Just exaggerating about how one channel got the coverage before any other channel, does not add any good to the country.If media just focuses on making their country a better place and focuses on making the most through this platform then surely our country can succeed leaps and bounds this way.

Laila Siddiqui
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