(sarwar, lahore)

Pakistan and Bharat won freedom in 1947. The Princely States were allowed to join Pakistan or Bharat. Bharat, through a “Fraudulant” document, copy of which is never shown by India at any forum, claimed that the Maha Raja of Jammu and Kashmir had acceded to Bharat, hence she entered her forces in Jammu and Kashmir. The Kashmiris took to arms. Keeping in view the successes of the freedom fighters, Bharat went to UNO for Cease Fire. Jawahar Lal Nehru, the then Prime Minister, through her written requests, telegrams, speeches and statements gave assurance to the World body, to Liaqat Ali Khan, the then PM of Pakistan, to the people of Jammu and Kashmir and also to all the Indians that the people of Jammu and Kashmir would be granted the right of plebiscite to decide their future regarding annexation with Bharat or Pakistan. The promises, so far, have not been honoured. New interpretations are given by Bharat only to keep her control over illegally occupied areas of Jammu and Kashmir.

Bhatat, since her inception, has devoured many areas and small states: Juna Garh, Goa and Hyderabad were annexed through military action. Sikkim and Bhutan are totally under Bharat and have lost their identity as independent states. Bharat has tried her best to undermine sovreignity of Nepal – coercive methods are on the increased. Sri Lanka had to pay heavy price to subdue the insurgency allegedly sponsored by Bharat.

In Idian Held Jammu & Kashmir the Muslims are subjected to severe type of atrocities at the hands of the Occupation Army Since 1989 the Kashmiris have suffered: Shuhada 1,25,000, Wounded 2,00,000, Detained/Torture Cells/Imprisoned 1,45,000, Incapacitated 40,000, Women raped/ wounded/subjected to torture 20,000, Houses, Shops destroyed/burnt, Fruit Trees cut/burnt innumerable. (During recent violence 80 killed, over 2000 wounded, nearly 200 blinded due to pellets firing in eyes, curfew fo 20 days, acute shortage of necessities of life including drugs, food for children).
In Azad Jammu & Kashmir the Muslims are enjoying all the benefits of Freedom since 1947!!

In IHJ&K the Kashmiri Muslims are busy in taking out processions against atrocities/killing of innocent Muslims.
In AJ&K the Muslims remained busy in display of posters, corner meeting and election campaign, how to counter rival’s planning to reach the Assembly.

In IHJ&K the wounded due to bullet/pelting are being rounded up by Indian Army.
In AJ&K the Voters are being rounded up to attend “Jalsa”, cast their votes

In IHJ&K the Muslims are mourning the deaths of their kiths and kins by the Indian Army.
In AJ&K the winners in election are Rejoicing their Victory against their rivals.

In IHJ&K there is hardly any coverage of brutal activities of Indian Army by the India Media.
In AJ&K/Pakistan, the Media remained busy in intensive/extensive coverage of pre and post Election activites. Only lip service was paid to show sympathies to the muslims of IHJ&K. Many a time the glimpses of brutalities were followed by Indian ads having all the filth.

In IHJ&K, the Muslim leaders were/are rounded up, arrested and put to physical/mental torture only for “Demanding freedom for their people”.
In AJ&K the leadership is enjoying and happy, no fear of being hauld up even if involved in corruption cases or devoured public resources of their people.

In IHJ&K the Indian Govt. whole-heartedly supported the atrocities of the Indian Armed Forces and justified the “Killings of the Kashmiris.”
In AJ&K the Pakistan Govt. for first few days, kept mum, thereafter, half- heartedly showed her reaction against the Indian atrocities.

In IHJ&K the Muslims were feeling pain and grief due to the bullet wound / pellet fired by the Indian Army.
In Pakistan, the crowds at Cinema houses were feeling lucky enough to have the privilege of viewing the “Newly released Indian Film” The film earned over 20 m in 5 days!!

India exports vegetables/ fruits and many other things to Pakistan. She is striving hard to get the status of “The Most Favoured Nation” as far as exports are concerned. She wants to have access, through Pakistan, to Afghanistan and Central Asian States. .

In Pakistan we eat the vegetables and fruits imported from Bharat - our enemy knowingly that Bharat has (1) Grabed Jammu and Kashmir. (2) We are beefing up the Indian agriculture, and let the flow of much needed foreign exchange to Bharat. (3) Our own farmers are suffering due to this trade.

Through Water Aggression, India is planning to use water as Strategic weapon in future. She has constructed hundreds of dam over rivers and their distributaries flowing towards Pakistan. In certain cases she is diverting the water of these rivers. She has developed a capability whereby she can store water of these rivers for 70 days. She can use water as strategic weapon in three ways: (1) Stop flow of water when it is needed the most, affecting our agricultural and other needs. (2) Turn Pakistan into a desert. (3) Time the opening of gates of these dams (constructed on every river) when most of the rivers, because of Moon Soon rains, are over flowing and the floods are causing large scale devastation. This deliberate action by Bharat, causing an unprecedent flood, will take away with it every thing coming in its way and throw it in the Arabian Sea. The scenario, after these floods, is really heart breaking.

We will have nothing to defend the effected areas. We are sleeping over use of water as weapon. No worthwhile dam has been constructed to counter the above action of Bharat. There is a definite need that some artificial lakes/ diversion channels be made to foil Indian nefarious designs.

In Bharat, before the start of any film in cinema houses, a trailer of the “Surrender Ceremony” is shown to the viewers. This is done to create hatred against Pakistan, raise the morale of Indian masses and wash away the age-old thinking that the Hindus are a coward nation.

Here in Pakistan, Indian films/ads full of vulgar scenes, dialogues and objectional body language, are aired without realizing that these all are part of the great game i.e. Cultural Invasion by Bharat. Nothing is done to guard the young generation against this menace. We are sleeping!! During his visit to Bharat, PM Nawaz Sharif, termed the international border as a “Thin Line” (probably having no significance) separating both the States otherwise the people had lot of resemblance in many aspects The Father of the Nation, in clear words had stressed that the Hindus and the Muslims are two different nations, hence division of the Sub-continent was a must. Should the nation let this Ideology die down?? The rulers are bent upon pushing this Ideology to the side line.

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