My Suggestions For A Better, Prosperous And Developed Pakistan

(Aamir Yaqub, Lahore)

My Flag My Pride

I am a firm believer that Pakistan can be transformed into a developed and economically viable state. The Pakistan got the raw material needed to prosper by leaps and bounds provided few corrective step are taken.

The first and foremost step needs to be taken is to Restructuring of Parliament. The role of ruling political elite needs to be replaced by Technocrats led Government. The qualified experts, based on their Skills Set, Education, Experience and Qualifications should be selected (not more than 20-30). The credentials of selected experts should match their job i.e. Right man for the right job.

The second steps needs to be taken is ensuring of supremacy of law, equal justice for all without menace of caste and creed and zero tolerance for corruption. Nobody should be considered above the law. For this drastic changes needs to be taken in judicial system from top to bottom. Mobile court is one of the solution for speedy justice. The selection of judicial officer should be made strictly on merit followed by their periodical trainings as per international standards. The decision making must be specified depending upon the type / nature of case and the judges should be made accountable if they unable to decide the case within the specified time limit. The unnecessary tiers starting from lower courts, session courts, high courts, supreme court should be minimized and just two courts remain. Deciding court and appellate court with assigned specific time bound decision making.

The third steps needs to be taken is rationalization of tax structure and imposition of fair taxes followed by its recovery with zero tolerance for tax evaders. The speedy and exemplary punishment for the tax evaders will be a solution to increase the tax net. The untouched areas of tax should be identified and reasonable taxes be imposed followed by no compromises on recovery. The tax base should be broadened to include all of Pakistan's citizens. Currently, only a narrow minority of salaried individuals pay tax, that too in the public sector. The agriculture sector and most of the private sector doesn't pay income tax. We need to get national consensus to tax agriculture and business for the survival of Pakistan. All states collect tax. Else, they have no right to be a state. It is as simple as that.

The proper extraction and utilization of natural recourses we have will boost the economy manifold within shortest span of time. The Pakistan is a country of overwhelming natural wealth. Gold deposits in Baluchistan are worth billions of dollars. Reko diq has over 20 million ounces of gold at the minimum. Imagine if all that gold could be extracted and put into Pakistan's national treasury. Pakistan would be one of the richest countries in the world. Coal is also found in abundance. Thar coal has one of the largest coal reserves in the world. Natural sources of Baluchistan, Sindh and Pothowar have not been explored properly. Pakistan's natural resources should ideally be nationalized. The Pakistan government must have full control over its natural resources, and these in turn must be distributed to the national treasury, to in turn be used on the citizens of Pakistan. If international companies or local private companies are employed to extract and resell these resources, then the terms of business must be on a scale that is overwhelming in favour of Pakistan's government and treasury.

The next major area needs our attention would be our education system. Our education is in dismal condition. Our general education fundamentals are wrong. The IQ, English, Math, Science and Humanities skills sets are abysmal. On the whole, across the board, basic foundations are skewed, incorrect or out of date. We are not churning out young Thinkers, Engineers, Scientists, Writers, Journalists, Artists, Actors, Farmers, Mathematicians, Astronomers, Poets, etc. for tomorrow (given our population size). We are producing all these on a mediocre scale. We are producing what many would term slightly more educated mules or monkeys. The syllabus needs to be revised. Our curriculum demands a stringent overhaul. We need to evolve a National Education Policy that is not focused on a political agenda or myopic goals, but one that is long-term, sustainable and prepares our students for the world and its environment of tomorrow. We need to bring the best minds in education together – within our country and from abroad by giving them respect and appropriate remunerations.
Last but not the least Half of our economic problems will be solved if we can maintain peace and security. The vulnerable security condition will lead to disaster as none of the above mentioned goals could be achieved or sustained until and unless the law and order condition in the country is improved. Without security and justice I do not see Pakistan or simply any country to achieve the set goals.

Aamir Yaqub
About the Author: Aamir Yaqub Read More Articles by Aamir Yaqub: 2 Articles with 1788 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.