The consequence of Avoiding the Rules of Politics by the Punjabis.

(Shahbaz Arain, Lahore)

To be a nation, essential requirement is a common land, language, culture and traditions, not a religion, because of common religion Punjabi, Sammat, Hindko, Brohi, Muhajir, Baloch, Pukhtoon Muslims are an “Ummat”, not a “Nation” and due to common Punjabi land, language, culture and traditions Muslim, Sikh, Christen and Hindu Punjabi’s are a “Nation”. Religion is a personal subject of Muslim, Sikh, Christian, and Hindu Punjabi’s for their moral development and spiritual grooming.

Pakistan is not a homogenous state, because of thousands of years old Punjabi, Sammat, Hindko, Brohi land and their language, culture, traditions, it is a heterogeneous state, therefore nationalism is a dominating factor and it will take a boost in future.

Already, since decades, Punjabi’s are in trouble because of lacking interest in Punjabi nationalist politics, ignorant to the Punjabi language, unaware of the Punjabi culture and uninformed to the Punjabi traditions because of preference to the Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture, and UP-ite traditions.

Especially, the Punjabi’s migrated from eastern side of Punjab to Pakistan were already under domination of Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture and UP-ite traditions due to the neighborhood of Uttar Pradesh, therefore they accepted and owned the hegemony of Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture and UP-ite traditions by surrendering the Punjabi language, culture and traditions in conjunction with lending support to the UP-ites to dominate Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture and UP-ite traditions by means of suppressing and eliminating the languages, cultures and traditions of actual and original entities of Pakistan i.e. Punjabi, Sammat, Hindko, Brohi (due to many factors).

Punjabi’s should understand that Urdu language; Gunga Jumna culture and UP-ite traditions have no relevance with Punjabi’s and Pakistani’s, for the reason that, Urdu language; Gunga Jumna culture and UP-ite traditions are alien for actual and original entities of Pakistan i.e. Punjabi, Sammat, Hindko and Brohi (The Nations of Indus Valley Civilization).

Furthermore, Urdu language; Gunga Jumna culture and UP-ite traditions are the fundamental source of the disintegration of Punjabi’s and Pakistani’s. Therefore, being majority population of Pakistan, Punjabi’s are required to own their motherland, language, culture, and traditions in conjunction with respect and regard to the land, language, culture and traditions of Sammat, Hindko, Brohi, instead of protracting and patronizing the hegemony of Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture, and UP-ite traditions.

Punjabi’s are a big and martial race of subcontinent, but as a result of avoiding the rules of nature, principals of sociology and procedures of politics, Punjabi’s do not have the respect, regard, and honor for their motherland language, culture, and traditions. Therefore, Punjabi’s are under humiliation, loathing, and abuse since decades.

In united India, all the Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, and Christian Punjabi’s were a nation because of common land, language, culture, and traditions. The religion was a personal subject whereas; clans and communities were the institutions for social interaction and charity work. Punjab was a secular region and Punjabi was a respectable and honorable language, culture and nation in India.

In 19th century due to politics of congress, dominated by Hindi-speaking leaders, Hindu Punjabi’s started preferring Hindi language, culture, and traditions instead of Punjabi. Later on, Muslim Punjabi’s did the same due to the influence of Muslim League, dominated by the UP-ites Urdu speaking Muslim leaders.

As a consequence of preferring the Hindi language, culture and traditions by Hindu Punjabi’s and Urdu language, culture and traditions by Muslim Punjabi’s, “A Great Nation of Sub-Continent Got Divided and Get Emerged into Muslim and Hindu States” as well as, started receiving the reward of hate and regret from every honorable nation, in addition to humiliation, loathing and abuse from Hindi and Urdu speaking persons too. This is the punishment of Punjabi’s for not respecting their motherland, language, culture, and traditions.

Hence, time has proved that; independence of Pakistan at cost of splitting up Punjab with blood of 2 million Punjabi’s, lending support to the UP-ites to dominate Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture and UP-ite traditions by means of suppressing and eliminating the languages, cultures and traditions of actual and original entities of Pakistan i.e. Punjabi, Sammat, Hindko, and Brohi, along with hegemony of UP-ite Muhajirs in national and foreign affairs bureaucracy, military and civil establishment, skilled and technical professions, politics and media organizations, was a blunder by the Punjabi’s due to political immaturity, irresponsibility and pettiness.

However, “Punjabi Nationalist Politics and Leadership” is a simple way moreover, suitable solution for Punjab and Punjabi’s to save the Punjabi land, language, culture and traditions from domination of Urdu language, Gunga Jumna culture and UP-ite traditions as well as humiliating, loathing and abusive attitude towards Punjabi’s in addition to the resolution of Baloch, Pukhtoon, Muhajir “Card Game Politics”.

Initially at the time of print media the UP-ite Mafia had total control of print media to suppress the voice of actual entities of Pakistan i.e. Punjabi, Sammat, Hindko, and Brohi; later on, they also managed the control of electronic media. Therefore, UP-ite media control is required to be replaced by the actual and original entities of Pakistan i.e. Punjabi, Sammat, Hindko, and Brohi, along with reciprocal and respectable relationship within actual and original entities of Pakistan i.e. Punjabi, Sammat, Hindko, and Brohi.

It is also vital to induct and include the actual and original entities of Pakistan (i.e. Punjabi, Sammat, Hindko and Brohi) in national policy making and decision taking institutions and departments in replacement of "Alien UP-ites", "To assemble Pakistani’s and developing Pakistan". Especially foreign affairs and defense establishment should be reserved for the “Son of Soils” and "The Citizens of Pakistan", those have accumulated and assimilated themselves into regional languages, cultures and traditions of their residential region along with declaring the Punjabi, Sindhi, Hindko, and Brahvi as National languages of Pakistan as a substitute of Urdu.

Shahbaz Arain
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