Genuin Taliban And Fake Taliban

(Abu Shahab, Karak)

I can give my words that genuine Taliban can not be and are not anti-Pakistan lots. But the matter has been made so confused for us that for a layman it is very difficult to differentiate between them. They take the genuine Taliban as anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan. Why it won’t be when the entire world resources are being used only to inculcate this very fact in the minds of a common man.

For a simpleton like us, knowing little about the media war not to speak of stars wars, Taliban has been pictured in the latter style. And thanks to our own American stooges, that they are singing the song of Taliban in chorus with their western master.

Just to keep its hegemony over the world, America was in need of an enemy, though a utopian one, and it found it in the form of Taliban and al-Qaeda. Actually, through the name Taliban, America wants to reach its actual target which is hindering the way of its satanic civilization after communism (itself a satanic one), Islam (savior of humanity). All these resources and policy of carrot and stick are underway for this very purpose.

The matter is quite clear. Those who are helping this champion of satanic civilization are friends and those who oppose it are Taliban.

But in order to win the sympathies of a common person, like us, it has also recruited a gang of Taliban who in the garb of genuine Taliban actually work for the agenda of this great Staten (Shaitan-i-Buzurg). All those Taliban come under the second category who wants to destabilize this God gifted country of ours weather in tribal belt or the settled area of our dear motherland. Not only those who actually partake in anti state activities, but all those who mishandle them and deal them the way America want them to deal with.

This simple fact does not need rocket science to understand--- seal your borders with Afghanistan, let American deal with the genuine Taliban inside Afghanistan, perish the status of tribalism in the present tribal areas and bring them into the mainstream settled areas of the country by providing all those facilities which a person enjoys in Islamabad. By this way you can bring stability inside your country. Otherwise the Yankees won’t pardon you unless they burn you, to quote Ayaz Amir.

You have a very active and vigilant leadership coming from this belt of the country which can give you very right support in this regard. Qazi Hussian Ahmad, Fazal Rahman, Asfandyar Wali and Mahmud Khan Achagzai can give you a peaceful tribal belt when taken into confidence. They can easily and very tactfully convince the local sardars and malaks for a greater purpose.

No doubts the tribals are the most loyal Pakistani and men of words if earnestly taken into confidence. For all this, our so called leaders and rulers will have to say good bye to the Yankees—‘Mind your business in Afghanistan’. Will they dare say so in the leadership of Zardari, , Gilani, Pakistani edition of Karzai, Rahman Malik and Hussian Haqani plus Pervez Musharaf still occupying the army house and getting showers of praises from the Yankees?

Abu Shahab
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