Mian nawaz sharif's question ''why i ousted"

(M. Asim Raza, Sialkot & present Riyadh - KSA.)

Mian sb is searching the answer of why he kicked out from PM house. he conducted a rally to show the strength but unfortunatly it was not successful except at the tail ender time of rally means in gujranwala and Lahore there were some people. I read many people's columns and writings about this many of them wrote that Mian Muhammad Nawaz sharif was told by his under 19 team means his junior praisers who are ready to praise mian sb every time and they got the reward as has been appointed ministers. But on the other hand the seniors of mian sb told to not do this kind of rally but may be they were less in numbers so that mian sb didn't agreed with them and start a rally. yes we were talking about previous pm's u90 team they told mian sb when you hold march for the restoration of Suprem court judges you were in Gujranwala and jusges were restored to their posts. so do it again and there will be same result before you reach in lahore you will be restored to your post. Definitely mians sb agreed as the poor who is without eyes will go with his best to get eye. so mian sb agreed and started his march from Islamabad. "one jurnalist joked that when mian sb readched in gujranwala he was seeking the decision of his restoration but nothing happaned than he moved to mureedkay, kamunky and than shahdharah but there was not restoration even he reached at his goal Data sb and he delivered his speech but nothing happaned for his restoration".

Mian Nawaz sharif should be aware that now it is going 2017 and its not 90s. so he should leave talking like he did during his rally even last day was 14th august every Pakistani was enjoying except main sb.

Now Mian sb is asking for quick and real justice when he is dismissed from his office. it means if mian sb didn't disqualified from pmship than everything was good. Alas! Mian sb now your only the part of history and will not be the part of present and future of Pakistan politics.

My advice to Mian sb: Please you know and everyone know one we have to leave this world without even a single paisa. so everyone know you have apartments in London and tell the whole story of that flats. ALLAH is great he will pardon and just accept the fault you did and handover everything to Pakistan state. imagine your age is around 70s now how many long you can stay in this world. Anyone don't know may be tomorrow one will be alive or dead. so leave these things which could harm you in this world and the most improtant after this world. THE DAY OF JUDGMENT WHERE THERE WOULD BE NOT FIVE PEOPLE THERE WILL BE THE GREATEST AUTHORITY.

M. Asim Raza
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