One more dangerous event in Karachi

(Sakina Mubarak, Karachi)

The death tally from the blast at CID building occurred on Thursday night has mounted to 17, Friday. Meanwhile, sources said that the investigative agencies have kicked off probe into the tragedy. The funeral prayers of deceased police and frontier constabulary have been offered. Sindh Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza and other high-ranking officials attended the prayers. Two more dead bodies have been recovered from the debris one of which was of the missing FC personnel, medics said.

A day earlier, Karachi police said activists from Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, a group linked to Al-Qaeda and notorious for bombing Shiite Muslims, had been arrested.

It is pertinent to mention here that terrorists carried out the deadly attack on Thursday night as they targeted highly guarded CID building located in the Red Zone area by exploding heavy amount of exclusives.So far, 17 people have been confirmed killed and 140 have been injured in the blast.The defunct outfit Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility of terrorist attack on CID building.Most among wounded persons are women and children, hospital sources.The explosion created two 15-feet deep craters at the blast site besides destroying a nearby mosque, Madeena and shattering windowpanes of many abutting building.

Our government always says that we condemned the incident but don't take any strong action against the terrorist. They announce donations to the victims but never give money. The life of citizen in Pakistan is very dangerous. When we go for work in early morning we don't know whether we come back to home or not in evening. May Allah save Pakistan.

Sakina Mubarak
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