The Leaders able to unite Muslim World: Pakistan Army

(Maemuna Sadaf, Rawalpindi)

Pakistan Army, being the strongest army in the world ranking is playing a vital role in different areas of the world. Pakistan army is the sixth largest army in terms of active military power. Irrespective of political disability and lack of foreign policy, Pakistan armed forces are respected by all over the world for its expertise and professionalism. With its nuclear status, Pakistan Army stands for logical choice for any military alliance. Hence, Pakistan army is integrated in (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) NATO and other military alliances. Pakistan among other Islamic countries, having strong geological location, armed forces and nuclear power is able to lead other countries.

In the world there were two major military alliances made, one was NATO and the other was military alliance of African countries. After the rise of terrorism and increasing threat to Islamic centers, there was need to make an Islamic military alliance to protect Islamic countries. The Islamic Military Alliance (IMA) officially, Islamic Alliance to fight terrorism (IMAFT) is an intergovernmental counter terrorism of Muslim countries. The IMAFT was termed as Islamic “NATO” later. Initially, 39 and now 41 country alliance was made by Saudi Arabia and the primary objective of this alliance is to protect Islamic countries from terrorist groups. The command and control centre of this alliance is made in Riyadh (capital of Saudi Arabia). Presence of Pakistan, turkey and UAE in this alliance make it a powerful military alliance.

Writing more, former chief of Army staff (COAS) General ® Raheel Sharif is selected as Commander in chief of IMAFT. Surely, General ® Raheel Shareef is pride of Pakistan. In regard of his service as COAS, he was rated as best military commander in the world. He was applauded not only in the country but in international community as well. As COAS, he brought the country out from huge internal threat of terrorism.

Being Commander in chief of IMAFT General ® Raheel Shareef can play an important role in Islamic unity and can serve Muslim Ummah. His military professionalism and diplomatic sangfroid can make him able to act as a bridge between Arab- Iran angularities. General ® Raheel Shareef’s appointment as Commander in Chief of IMAFT is Pakistan’s greatest military diplomatic achieved ever pulled by Pakistan.

Pakistan’s interest in this alliance is to regain its lost and softer image. By joining this alliance Pakistan has proved that it can create friendly relations with other countries. Pakistan holds friendly ties to Saudi Arabia as a religious centre, Iran as a neighboring country. Presence of Pakistan in this alliance will improved relations of mentioned former and later country. Beside extreme criticism, General ® Raheel Shareef has proved himself as a best military diplomat among Muslim countries and rest of the world.

“He will use his experience and knowledge to remove internal misunderstanding among Muslim countries”. Said Nasser Janjua, National security advisor of the time when he was appointed. Theoretically, Pakistan has attained a place of economic and diplomatic corridor for creation of harmony and unity in Muslim world.

Concluding more, Pakistan Army and General ® Raheel Shareef is a shinning star among leaders of the world. Under his command, militaries of Muslim countries have joined together. Now this Muslim Nato will be used to secure interests of not only member countries but other Non- member Muslim countries.

Maemuna Sadaf
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