Cynices Meaning in Urdu
The word "Cynices" means ناقد (Naqad) in Urdu. Synonyms for Cynices include . Additionally, common words starting with the letter "C" include .
Urdu Meaning with Definition
A cynic is an English word that means an individual that believes in a philosophy of human acts selfishly rather to fulfill their interest. Cynic meaning in Urdu is a ناقد - Naqad. The notion behind cynic can be considered as being dubious of human’s deed. A cynic word is a noun. A person can be called a Cynic if he tends to believe that all the motivation behind human work is utterly based on self-interest rather than collective good.
Cynic as a word is used in both verbal and spoken communication. A Cynic can be used in formal and informal communication as well.
Cynic meaning in English and Urdu is defined by examples, sentences, synonyms, and others. Online Dictionary provides a quick search of limitless words that boosts the vocabulary. Other words in Urdu are also mentioned on the website with more than one useful definition.
A cynic can be a person that considers humans selfish whereas it can be used with a negative connotation. A Cynical person will have strong views about others. The philosophy related to cynic is called Cynicism. Cynicism is a philosophy of a school of thought that rejects conventional values of money, fame, power, and reputation.
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