Drag Meaning in Arabic

Drag meaning in Arabic is العائق - Synonyms and related words for Drag include Cart, Draw, Dredge, Embroil, Hale, Haul, Puff, Pull, Scuff, Sweep, Tangle, Trail. Check out all the examples and definitions of Drag. Similar words for Drag are Dragged, Dragger and Dragging; in Arabic Translation.

DRAG Synonyms & Definition

• Drag

  1. (v. t.) A heavy harrow, for breaking up ground.
  2. (v. t.) A kind of sledge for conveying heavy bodies; also, a kind of low car or handcart; as, a stone drag.
  3. (v. i.) To serve as a clog or hindrance; to hold back.
  4. (v. t.) A steel instrument for completing the dressing of soft stone.
  5. (v. t.) A heavy coach with seats on top; also, a heavy carriage.
  6. (v. t.) Anything towed in the water to retard a ships progress, or to keep her head up to the wind; esp., a canvas bag with a hooped mouth, so used. See Drag sail (below).
  7. (v. t.) Hence, anything that retards; a clog; an obstacle to progress or enjoyment.
  8. (v. t.) Motion affected with slowness and difficulty, as if clogged.
  9. (v. i.) To fish with a dragnet.
  10. (v. t.) To draw along, as something burdensome; hence, to pass in pain or with difficulty.
  11. (v. t.) The bottom part of a flask or mold, the upper part being the cope.
  12. (v. t.) To draw slowly or heavily onward; to pull along the ground by main force; to haul; to trail; -- applied to drawing heavy or resisting bodies or those inapt for drawing, with labor, along the ground or other surface; as, to drag stone or timber; to drag a net in fishing.
  13. (n.) A confection; a comfit; a drug.
  14. (v. i.) To move onward heavily, laboriously, or slowly; to advance with weary effort; to go on lingeringly.
  15. (v. t.) A net, or an apparatus, to be drawn along the bottom under water, as in fishing, searching for drowned persons, etc.
  16. (v. t.) The difference between the speed of a screw steamer under sail and that of the screw when the ship outruns the screw; or between the propulsive effects of the different floats of a paddle wheel. See Citation under Drag, v. i., 3.
  17. (v. t.) The act of dragging; anything which is dragged.
  18. (v. t.) Also, a skid or shoe, for retarding the motion of a carriage wheel.
  19. (v. i.) To be drawn along, as a rope or dress, on the ground; to trail; to be moved onward along the ground, or along the bottom of the sea, as an anchor that does not hold.
  20. (v. t.) To break, as land, by drawing a drag or harrow over it; to harrow; to draw a drag along the bottom of, as a stream or other water; hence, to search, as by means of a drag.

Cart, Draw, Dredge, Embroil, Hale, Haul, Puff, Pull, Scuff, Sweep, Tangle, Trail,

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Drag يعني باللغة العربية

Drag ترجمة باللغة العربية: يمكن أن يكون البحث عن المعاني باللغة العربية مفيدًا لفهم السياق بطريقة فعالة۔ يمكنك الحصول على أكثر من ترجمة لكلمة واحدة باللغة العربية۔لقد قمت بالبحث في الكلمة الأوردية Drag مما يعني العائق باللغة الأردية۔ تعريفات الكلمة Drag تم وصفه هنا بأقصى قدر من التفاصيل، وأيضا تغريم المرادفات المختلفة للكلمة Drag ۔ يمكنك العثور على كلمات مثل Drag من Hamariweb.com۔ القاموس بلغات متعددة مثل الأردية، العربية ، الهندية ، الإسبانية ، الفرنسية وغيرها من اللغات۔

Drag Arabic Meaning, Example & Definition

Drag Meaning in Arabic: Searching meanings in Arabic can be beneficial for understanding the context in an efficient manner. You can get more than one meaning for one word in Arabic. You have searched the English word "Drag" which meaning "العائق" in Arabic. Drag meaning in Arabic has been searched 8331 times till 26 Mar, 2025. The definitions of the word Drag has been described here with maximum details, and also fined different synonyms for the word Drag. You can listen to the pronunciation of the word Drag in clear voice from this page online through our voice dictionary a unique facility for dedicated users.
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