English Words Starting with L

If you want to use the Roman Urdu to English dictionary starting with L, then it is here. Now, you do not need to worry about the English translation of several words. If you are facing any problem regarding typing in the Urdu language then here you can utilize a Roman Urdu to English dictionary. This Roman Urdu to English dictionary starting with L is good in this regard.

English Words Starting with L with Meaning & Translation

English Roman Urdu
Love Muhabbat karna محبت کرنا
Lol Zor ki hansee زور کی ہنسی
Legend Apny shobay ka mahir shaks اپنے شعبے کاُ ماہرشخص
Live Zinda زندہ
Leave Chhutti چھٹی
Lust Masti مستی
Legal Qanooni قانونی
Lie Jhoot جھوٹ
Literally Lafaz ba lafaz لفظ بہ لفظ
Literal Lafzi لفظی
Loyal Wafaadaar وفادار
Letter Harf حرف
Lavender Huzam حُزام
Let Ijaazat dena اجازت دینا
Life Zindagi زندگی
Legacy Miras میراث
Lame Langra لنگڑا
Lead Rehnumai karna رہنمائی کرنا
Liberal Azad khayal آزاد خیال
Lovely Khubsurat خوبصورت
Late Marhoom مرحوم
Lean Jhukna جھکنا
Logistic Mantaqi منطقی
Liar Jhoota جھوٹا
Like Maanind مانند
Liver Jigar جگر
Lying Jhoot جھوٹ
Lentil Masoor مَسُور
Lack Kami کمی
Learn Seekhna سیکھنا
Lost Gumshuda گم شدہ
Look Dekhna دیکھنا
Leisure Fursat فُرصَت
List Fehrist فہرست
Lump Soojan سوجن
Led Zera intizam زیر انتظام
Lap Good گود
Lion Sher شیر
Legitimate Qanooni قانونی
Lot Hisa dena حصہ دینا
Lick Chaatna چاٹنا
Liability Zima dari ذمہ داری
Land Zameen زمین
Leverage Barim say kam lene ka tariqa بیرم سے کام لینے کا طریقہ
Liquorice Mulethi ki jar ملیٹھی کی جڑ
Lay Geeat گیت
Lantern Fanoos فانوس
Lettuce Sallad pata سلاد پتہ
Later Baad mein بعد میں
Literature Adbi aloom ادبی علوم
Linguistic Lisaniat ka لسانیات کا
Lamb Memna میمنا
Logic Ilm istadlal علم استدلال
Law Qaanoon قانون
Leap Chalaang چھلانگ
Lose Khona کھونا
Liaison Dosti دوستی
Limb Badan ka hisa بَدَن کا حِصَّہ
Loop Phanda پھندا
Left Ulta الٹا
Lavish Fazool khurch فضول خرچ
Lung Phaypara پھیپھڑا
League Musafat مسافت
Lady Khatoon خاتون
Lyric Barbat ka بربط کا
Lotus Kanwal کنول
Log Shehteer شہتیر
Lord Sardaar سردار
Levy Lagana لَگان
Lonely Tanha تنہا
Liberty Azadi آزادی
Loyalty Wafa dari وفاداری
Lake Jheel جھیل
Lament Rona رونا
Loaf duble roti ڈبل روٹی
Lease Theeka ٹھیکہ
Lover Chahnay waali چاہنےوالی
Lily Sosan سوسن
Listen Sunna سننا
Latter Baad ka بعد کا
Lac Lakh لاکھ
Lethal Mohlik مہلک
Lend Udhaar dayna ادھار دینا
Lesson Sabaq سبق
Legume Tarkari ترکاری
Lethargic Kahil کاہل
Layer Teh تہہ
Linseed Alsi السی
Lush Shadab poda شاداب پودا
Latin Latini لاطینی
Legislation Qanoon sazi legislationpk قانون سازی
Lobby Dalan دالان
Lash Koray marna کوڑے مارنا
Library Kutub khana کتب خانہ
Leader Rehnuma رہنما
Least Bohot kam بہت کم
Learning Qabiliyat قابلیت
Long Taweel طویل
Little Thorha تھوڑا
Literacy Nosht o khuwand ki qabliat نوشت و خواند کی قابلیت
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English Words Starting with L

A rich vocabulary for children is also important for improving their communication skills. Start word lessons at an early age to help your children build a wide and diverse vocabulary. The best place to start is in the beginning, so help your children learn words that begin with L. It would not only help you in learning the new word but also improve your power of speech as the more vocabulary you know, the better you can communicate.

This is an amazing platform that allows you to find out Urdu to English dictionary and vice verse. However, these English words starting with L page would redirect you to enhance your English vocabulary without any cost. Stay tuned to get the latest and updated vocabulary starting with L.