Line Meaning in Arabic
Line meaning in Arabic is الخط - Synonyms and related words for Line include Air, Ancestry, Argumentation, Blood, Business, Cable, Channel, Contrast, Course, Crease, Crinkle, Delineate, Demarcation, Descent, Describe, Draw, Furrow, Job, Lineage, Melody, Note, Occupation, Origin, Outline, Parentage, Pedigree, Seam, Stock, Strain, Trace, Tune, Wrinkle. Check out all the examples and definitions of Line. Similar words for Line are Line-assembly, Line-at-a-time and Line-by-line; in Arabic Translation.
LINE Synonyms & Definition
• Line
- (n.) A number of shares taken by a jobber.
- (n.) A row of letters, words, etc., written or printed; esp., a row of words extending across a page or column.
- (n.) Instruction; doctrine.
- (n.) The equator; -- usually called the line, or equinoctial line; as, to cross the line.
- (n.) Dispositions made to cover extended positions, and presenting a front in but one direction to an enemy.
- (n.) A measure of length; one twelfth of an inch.
- (v. t.) To put something in the inside of; to fill; to supply, as a purse with money.
- (n.) The exterior limit of a figure, plat, or territory; boundary; contour; outline.
- (n.) Course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy; method of argument; department of industry, trade, or intellectual activity.
- (n.) A circle of latitude or of longitude, as represented on a map.
- (n.) Direction; as, the line of sight or vision.
- (n.) A trench or rampart.
- (n.) The proper relative position or adjustment of parts, not as to design or proportion, but with reference to smooth working; as, the engine is in line or out of line.
- (n.) A connected series of public conveyances, and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.; as, a line of stages; an express line.
- (n.) That which has length, but not breadth or thickness.
- (v. t.) To form into a line; to align; as, to line troops.
- (n.) The longer and finer fiber of flax.
- (n.) The wire connecting one telegraphic station with another, or the whole of a system of telegraph wires under one management and name.
- (v. t.) To impregnate; -- applied to brute animals.
- (n.) A verse, or the words which form a certain number of feet, according to the measure.
- (n.) A series of various qualities and values of the same general class of articles; as, a full line of hosiery; a line of merinos, etc.
- (v. t.) To read or repeat line by line; as, to line out a hymn.
- (v. t.) To represent by lines; to delineate; to portray.
- (n.) The regular infantry of an army, as distinguished from militia, guards, volunteer corps, cavalry, artillery, etc.
- (v. t.) To mark with a line or lines; to cover with lines; as, to line a copy book.
- (n.) A series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person; a family or race; as, the ascending or descending line; the line of descent; the male line; a line of kings.
- (n.) A row of men who are abreast of one another, whether side by side or some distance apart; -- opposed to column.
- (n.) A linen thread or string; a slender, strong cord; also, a cord of any thickness; a rope; a hawser; as, a fishing line; a line for snaring birds; a clothesline; a towline.
- (n.) Lineament; feature; figure.
- (n.) The course followed by anything in motion; hence, a road or route; as, the arrow descended in a curved line; the place is remote from lines of travel.
- (n.) The track and roadbed of a railway; railroad.
- (n.) Form of a vessel as shown by the outlines of vertical, horizontal, and oblique sections.
- (n.) A straight row; a continued series or rank; as, a line of houses, or of soldiers; a line of barriers.
- (n.) One of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed.
- (v. t.) To cover the inner surface of; as, to line a cloak with silk or fur; to line a box with paper or tin.
- (v. t.) To place persons or things along the side of for security or defense; to strengthen by adding anything; to fortify; as, to line works with soldiers.
- (n.) A more or less threadlike mark of pen, pencil, or graver; any long mark; as, a chalk line.
- (n.) A threadlike crease marking the face or the hand; hence, characteristic mark.
- (n.) The reins with which a horse is guided by his driver.
- (n.) A short letter; a note; as, a line from a friend.
- (n.) That which was measured by a line, as a field or any piece of land set apart; hence, allotted place of abode.
- (n.) A long tape, or a narrow ribbon of steel, etc., marked with subdivisions, as feet and inches, for measuring; a tapeline.
- (n.) Flax; linen.
- (n.) A measuring line or cord.
Synonyms: Air,
Multi Language Dictionary
Line يعني باللغة العربية
Line ترجمة باللغة العربية: يمكن أن يكون البحث عن المعاني باللغة العربية مفيدًا لفهم السياق بطريقة فعالة۔ يمكنك الحصول على أكثر من ترجمة لكلمة واحدة باللغة العربية۔لقد قمت بالبحث في الكلمة الأوردية Line مما يعني الخط باللغة الأردية۔ تعريفات الكلمة Line تم وصفه هنا بأقصى قدر من التفاصيل، وأيضا تغريم المرادفات المختلفة للكلمة Line ۔ يمكنك العثور على كلمات مثل Line من۔ القاموس بلغات متعددة مثل الأردية، العربية ، الهندية ، الإسبانية ، الفرنسية وغيرها من اللغات۔
Line Arabic Meaning, Example & Definition
Line Meaning in Arabic: Searching meanings in Arabic can be beneficial for understanding the context in an efficient manner. You can get more than one meaning for one word in Arabic. You have searched the English word "Line" which meaning "الخط" in Arabic. Line meaning in Arabic has been searched 8942 times till 26 Mar, 2025. The definitions of the word Line has been described here with maximum details, and also fined different synonyms for the word Line. You can listen to the pronunciation of the word Line in clear voice from this page online through our voice dictionary a unique facility for dedicated users.
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