Round Meaning in Arabic

Round meaning in Arabic is الدورة - Synonyms and related words for Round include Around, Assail, Assault, Attack, Beat, Bout, Circle, Circular, Cycle, Encircle, Environ, Labialize, Orotund, Pear-shaped, Polish, Rhythm, Ring, Rotund, Rung, Snipe, Stave, Surround, Turn. Check out all the examples and definitions of Round. Similar words for Round are Roundangle, Roundtable and Round-trip; in Arabic Translation.

Round الدورة
ROUND Synonyms & Definition

• Round

  1. (a.) Full; complete; not broken; not fractional; approximately in even units, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.; -- said of numbers.
  2. (n.) Anything round, as a circle, a globe, a ring. "The golden round" [the crown].
  3. (n.) A series of changes or events ending where it began; a series of like events recurring in continuance; a cycle; a periodical revolution; as, the round of the seasons; a round of pleasures.
  4. (adv.) Circularly; in a circular form or manner; by revolving or reversing ones position; as, to turn ones head round; a wheel turns round.
  5. (adv.) On all sides; around.
  6. (v. t.) To surround; to encircle; to encompass.
  7. (n.) A brewers vessel in which the fermentation is concluded, the yeast escaping through the bunghole.
  8. (n.) A course of action or conduct performed by a number of persons in turn, or one after another, as if seated in a circle.
  9. (a.) Uttered or emitted with a full tone; as, a round voice; a round note.
  10. (a.) Modified, as a vowel, by contraction of the lip opening, making the opening more or less round in shape; rounded; labialized; labial. See Guide to Pronunciation, / 11.
  11. (a.) Full and smoothly expanded; not defective or abrupt; finished; polished; -- said of style, or of authors with reference to their style.
  12. (n.) A circular dance.
  13. (n.) The time during which prize fighters or boxers are in actual contest without an intermission, as prescribed by their rules; a bout.
  14. (a.) Having a curved outline or form; especially, one like the arc of a circle or an ellipse, or a portion of the surface of a sphere; rotund; bulging; protuberant; not angular or pointed; as, a round arch; round hills.
  15. (n.) A walk performed by a guard or an officer round the rampart of a garrison, or among sentinels, to see that the sentinels are faithful and all things safe; also, the guard or officer, with his attendants, who performs this duty; -- usually in the plural.
  16. (adv.) In circumference; as, a ball is ten inches round.
  17. (v. t.) To make circular, spherical, or cylindrical; to give a round or convex figure to; as, to round a silver coin; to round the edges of anything.
  18. (v. i. & t.) To whisper.
  19. (n.) See Roundtop.
  20. (a.) Having every portion of the surface or of the circumference equally distant from the center; spherical; circular; having a form approaching a spherical or a circular shape; orbicular; globular; as, a round ball.
  21. (adv.) From one side or party to another; as to come or turn round, -- that is, to change sides or opinions.
  22. (n.) Rotation, as in office; succession.
  23. (a.) Outspoken; plain and direct; unreserved; unqualified; not mincing; as, a round answer; a round oath.
  24. (n.) That which goes round a whole circle or company; as, a round of applause.
  25. (n.) A general discharge of firearms by a body of troops in which each soldier fires once.
  26. (n.) Same as Round of beef, below.
  27. (n.) A vessel filled, as for drinking.
  28. (v. t.) To go round wholly or in part; to go about (a corner or point); as, to round a corner; to round Cape Horn.
  29. (adv.) Roundly; fully; vigorously.
  30. (v. i.) To grow round or full; hence, to attain to fullness, completeness, or perfection.
  31. (a.) Not inconsiderable; large; hence, generous; free; as, a round price.
  32. (prep.) On every side of, so as to encompass or encircle; around; about; as, the people atood round him; to go round the city; to wind a cable round a windlass.
  33. (v. i.) To go round, as a guard.
  34. (adv.) Through a circle, as of friends or houses.
  35. (adv.) By or in a circuit; by a course longer than the direct course; back to the starting point.
  36. (n.) The step of a ladder; a rundle or rung; also, a crosspiece which joins and braces the legs of a chair.
  37. (v. i.) To go or turn round; to wheel about.
  38. (n.) A series of duties or tasks which must be performed in turn, and then repeated.
  39. (n.) An assembly; a group; a circle; as, a round of politicians.
  40. (v. t.) To bring to fullness or completeness; to complete; hence, to bring to a fit conclusion.
  41. (n.) Ammunition for discharging a piece or pieces once; as, twenty rounds of ammunition were given out.
  42. (a.) Having the form of a cylinder; cylindrical; as, the barrel of a musket is round.
  43. (n.) A course ending where it began; a circuit; a beat; especially, one freguently or regulary traversed; also, the act of traversing a circuit; as, a watchmans round; the rounds of the postman.
  44. (n.) A short vocal piece, resembling a catch in which three or four voices follow each other round in a species of canon in the unison.
  45. (a.) Complete and consistent; fair; just; -- applied to conduct.
  46. (v. t.) To make full, smooth, and flowing; as, to round periods in writing.

Around, Assail, Assault, Attack, Beat, Bout, Circle, Circular, Cycle, Encircle, Environ, Labialize, Orotund, Pear-shaped, Polish, Rhythm, Ring, Rotund, Rung, Snipe, Stave, Surround, Turn,

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Round يعني باللغة العربية

Round ترجمة باللغة العربية: يمكن أن يكون البحث عن المعاني باللغة العربية مفيدًا لفهم السياق بطريقة فعالة۔ يمكنك الحصول على أكثر من ترجمة لكلمة واحدة باللغة العربية۔لقد قمت بالبحث في الكلمة الأوردية Round مما يعني الدورة باللغة الأردية۔ تعريفات الكلمة Round تم وصفه هنا بأقصى قدر من التفاصيل، وأيضا تغريم المرادفات المختلفة للكلمة Round ۔ يمكنك العثور على كلمات مثل Round من۔ القاموس بلغات متعددة مثل الأردية، العربية ، الهندية ، الإسبانية ، الفرنسية وغيرها من اللغات۔

Round Arabic Meaning, Example & Definition

Round Meaning in Arabic: Searching meanings in Arabic can be beneficial for understanding the context in an efficient manner. You can get more than one meaning for one word in Arabic. You have searched the English word "Round" which meaning "الدورة" in Arabic. Round meaning in Arabic has been searched 6921 times till 13 Mar, 2025. The definitions of the word Round has been described here with maximum details, and also fined different synonyms for the word Round. You can listen to the pronunciation of the word Round in clear voice from this page online through our voice dictionary a unique facility for dedicated users.
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