Fouled Synonyms & Definitions

Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning and the definition is the detailed explanation of the word. This page will help you out finding the Definition & Synonyms of hundreds of words mentioned on this page. Check out the page and learn more about the English vocabulary.

• FouledDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (imp. & p. p.) of Foul

• FoulDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (superl.) Scurrilous; obscene or profane; abusive; as, foul words; foul language.
  2. (n.) See Foul ball, under Foul, a.
  3. (superl.) Loathsome; disgusting; as, a foul disease.
  4. (superl.) Covered with, or containing, extraneous matter which is injurious, noxious, offensive, or obstructive; filthy; dirty; not clean; polluted; nasty; defiled; as, a foul cloth; foul hands; a foul chimney; foul air; a ships bottom is foul when overgrown with barnacles; a gun becomes foul from repeated firing; a well is foul with polluted water.
  5. (n.) An entanglement; a collision, as in a boat race.
  6. (v. t.) To incrust (the bore of a gun) with burnt powder in the process of firing.
  7. (n.) A bird.
  8. (v. i.) To become entagled, as ropes; to come into collision with something; as, the two boats fouled.
  9. (superl.) Ugly; homely; poor.
  10. (superl.) Not favorable; unpropitious; not fair or advantageous; as, a foul wind; a foul road; cloudy or rainy; stormy; not fair; -- said of the weather, sky, etc.
  11. (v. t.) To entangle, so as to impede motion; as, to foul a rope or cable in paying it out; to come into collision with; as, one boat fouled the other in a race.
  12. (v. i.) To become clogged with burnt powder in the process of firing, as a gun.
  13. (superl.) Having freedom of motion interfered with by collision or entanglement; entangled; -- opposed to clear; as, a rope or cable may get foul while paying it out.
  14. (superl.) Not conformed to the established rules and customs of a game, conflict, test, etc.; unfair; dishonest; dishonorable; cheating; as, foul play.
  15. (v. t.) To cover (a ships bottom) with anything that impered its sailing; as, a bottom fouled with barnacles.
  16. (v. t.) To make filthy; to defile; to daub; to dirty; to soil; as, to foul the face or hands with mire.
  17. (superl.) Hateful; detestable; shameful; odious; wretched.
  18. (n.) In various games or sports, an act done contrary to the rules; a foul stroke, hit, play, or the like.

• FouleDefinition & Meaning in English

  1. (adv.) Foully.