Chicken Handi Recipe By Chef Zakir

Chicken Handi recipe by Chef Zakir. This delightful Main Course recipe of Chicken Handi can be ready in approximately 35 Minutes and good to serve around 3-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish Today we will be working on recipe of chicken handi which I have presented here. Chicken or Murgh handi is a famous chicken curry of Pakistan and India. It is prepared with boneless chicken, tomatoes,and various spices such as fenugreek powder, all spice powder, turmeric, garlic and crushed coconut. People plan to dine out their favorite handi on weekends to enjoy chicken and mutton handi Super Highway, Boat Basin and Burns road, Do Darya areas in Karachi. Chicken handi is available in prime restaurants in every city of Pakistan. Due to it's scrumptious taste, it has a very high demand all over Pakistan and India. It is also available in every large restaurant in other cities across Pakistan.

Chicken Handi Recipe By Chef Zakir

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Saba from Karachi
  1. (چکن آدھا کلو (کیوبز اور بون لیس
  2. تیل آدھا کپ
  3. پیاز کا پیسٹ ایک کپ
  4. لہسن ادرک کا پیسٹ دو کھانے کے چمچ
  5. (لال مرچ ایک چائے کا چمچ (پسی ہوئی
  6. دیگی مرچ پاؤڈر ایک چائے کا چمچ
  7. ہلدی پاؤڈر آدھا چائے کا چمچ
  8. نمک حسب ذائقہ
  9. ٹماٹر پیوری چھ سے آٹھ عدد
  10. دہی چار کھانے کے چمچ
  11. چکن کی یخنی ایک کپ
  12. (زیرہ ایک چائے کا چمچ (بُھنا اور کٹا ہوا
  13. (کالی مرچ ایک چائے کا چمچ (کُٹی ہوئی
  14. قصوری میتھی ایک کھانے کا چمچ
  15. میدہ ایک کھانے کا چمچ
  16. کوکونٹ پاؤڈر ایک کھانے کا چمچ
  17. گرم مصالحہ پاؤڈر ایک چائے کا چمچ
  18. کریم تین کھانے کے چمچ
  19. مکھن ایک چوتھائی کپ
  20. ہرا دھنیا ایک چوتھائی گٹھی
  21. ہری مرچ چار سے پانچ عدد
  22. (ادرک ایک کھانے کا چمچ (کٹی ہوئی
  23. لیمن ویجز گارنش کے لیے
  • ایک پین میں تیل گرم کرکے چکن کیوبز کو تیز آنچ پر

  • پکالیں۔
  • جب تھوڑا نرم ہو جائیں تو پلیٹ میں نکال لیں۔
  • اب پیاز کا پیسٹ، لہسن ادرک کا پیسٹ، پسی لال مرچ، دیگی مرچ، ہلدی پاؤڈر، نمک،
  • ٹماٹر پیوری اور دہی کو فرائی کریں۔
  • اب اس میں فرائی کیا ہوا چکن اور چکن کی یخنی ڈال کر پکالیں۔
  • پھر اس میں زیرہ، کُٹی کالی مرچ اور قصوری میتھی ڈال کر پکالیں۔
  • اب ایک پیالے میں میدہ اور کوکونٹ پاؤڈر کو پانی میں ڈال کر مکس کر لیں۔
  • آخر میں میدے کا مکسچر، کریم اور گرم مصالحہ ڈال کر پکالیں۔
  • اب اس کے اوپر مکھن ڈال دیں۔
  • اب ڈش آؤٹ کرکے ہرا دھنیا، ہری مرچ، ادرک اور لیمن ویجز کے ساتھ سرو کریں۔

Reviews & Discussions

i made this today and it came out excellent.The taste n aroma of almonds in the gravy is delicious.. It is very good, we are making it again this evening from your recipe. Including yogurt and spices makes it extremely magnificent. Grateful to the culinary specialist who proposes every one of these recipes. I like it Thanks a lot for such a mouth watering recipe..

  • Amber, Hyderabad
  • Fri 15 May, 2020

Delicious, yummy, and mouth watering Chicken Handi recipe is posted here. I suggest all the ladies and housewives to try making it at home

  • shahzaib, khi
  • Fri 10 Jan, 2020

Chicken handi is not very different from regular chicken; ingredients are same the only variation lie in utensil. Chicken is cooked in a utensil named handi which alter the flavor of dish from normal chicken and also add the delectable aroma in it.

  • shamsa, karachi
  • Sun 09 Apr, 2017

My cooking skills are extremely poor, and I really don’t know how to cook delicious food. In order to learn cooking, I have started to check out the recipes online for the help. I have recently found this Chicken Handi Recipe and it looks tempting and yummy to me.

  • Mehreen, Karachi
  • Tue 28 Mar, 2017

Chef Zakir is the most famous chef for the women choice because he made the perfect dinner what people want for the give their guest happiness

  • Nailah, Karachi
  • Mon 27 Mar, 2017

Chicken handi is not very different from regular chicken; ingredients are same the only variation lie in utensil.

  • mubashir, wazeerabad
  • Wed 22 Mar, 2017

I tried chicken handi a day before yesterday and it was so delicious and tasty.My whole family appreciated me on making so delicious dish but all I thanx chef Zakir for guiding us about the most mouth watering recipe

  • Hina Rahim, Karachi
  • Sun 16 Oct, 2016

chef zakir is really great man .his recipes are so tasty .i always try their recipes after watching from the internet. but Now a days I checked from this website.

  • junaid, faislabad
  • Fri 07 Oct, 2016

Mostly I try the recipes by Chef Zakir because he is the only chef which I can easily make. Yesterday I made Chicken Handi in Sehri and succeed to develop the good taste just like which I eat in restaurant.

  • maryam, khi
  • Fri 17 Jun, 2016

Delicious, yummy, and mouth watering Chicken Handi recipe is posted here. I suggest all the ladies and housewives to try making it at home. I just did it a day ago and it turned out to be delicious totally.

  • madeeha, khi
  • Fri 03 Jun, 2016