Classic Butter Chicken Recipe

Classic Butter Chicken – Prepare delicious Classic Butter Chicken at home by checking the recipe online from this page. You can get the ingredients required for this recipe in your kitchen and can follow the method for perfect results. Do share your feedback after making it.


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Mehak from Lahore
  1. 1) 1 kg chicken fillets - cut into cubes
  2. 2) 80 gr butter
  3. 3) 1 teaspoon crushed ginger and garlic paste
  4. 4) 1 teaspoon crushed green chllies
  5. 5) 500 ml milk
  6. 6) 80 gr butter
  7. 7) 500 ml fresh cream
  8. 8) pinch of yellow food colour
  9. 9) 1 tablespoon all purpose flour
  10. 10) salt to taste
  • 1. Put chicken in pot.
  • 2. Add the 80 grams butter and ginger and garlic paste.
  • 3. Cook for 8 minutes on medium heat. throw away liquid.
  • 4. Return chicken to pot. Add chillies, 80 gram butter salt and cook for 2 minutes.
  • 5. Add to chicken, milk, fresh cream, food colour.
  • 6. Cook for 2 minutes.
  • 7. Add flour to thicken gravy.
  • 8. Cook until chicken is done. Serve with roti or naan.
  • 9. Enjoy!
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