Kfc Hot Shots Recipe

KFC Hot Shots – Treat your guests with KFC Hot Shots recipe posted online from this page. You can make this recipe for lunch or dinner parties as a full course meal. You can get the accurate recipe online from this dedicated page.

Kfc Hot Shots Recipe

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0:30 - 0:30

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~Sani~ from Karachi
  1. Boneless chicken (cut it in square shape pieces)
  2. Eggs (1 to 2)
  3. Corn flour (4 tb sp)
  4. Maida (4 tb sp)
  5. Vinegar (2 tb sp)
  6. Soya sauce (1 tb sp)
  7. Chilli sauce (1 ½ tb sp)
  8. Black pepper (1/2 tea sp)
  9. Mustard powder (more than ½ tea sp)
  10. White pepper (1 tea sp+1 tea sp)
  11. Garlic cloves (4 to 5: paste or finely chopped)
  12. Salt (1 tea sp or to taste)
  13. Chinese salt (optional)
  14. Chicken cubes (2)
  15. Oil (1 tb sp + for frying)
  • Steam the chicken pieces with oil (1 tb sp) + Chinese salt + garlic cloves (4 to 5) + vinegar (2 tb sp) + salt (to taste) + white pepper (1 tea sp) Make mixture in bowl with eggs + chille sauce (1 ½ tb sp) + Soya sauce (1 tb sp) + white pepper (1 tea sp) + black pepper (½ tea sp) + mustard paste (more than ½ tea sp) + Maida (4 tb sp) + corn flour (4 tb sp) + chicken cubes. If this mixture becomes too thick then 2 to 3 tb spoon of milk can be added. Coat the steamed chicken pieces with this mixture, deep fry and serve.
Reviews & Discussions

KFC Hot shots tasty and perfect made in home very good recipe and easy to make wow

  • Kamran, Rawalpindi
  • Tue 12 Feb, 2019

You will be thinking by looking at recipe that its lengthy and sounds difficult. You should remember that hard work always pay.

  • firdos, abbah
  • Fri 17 Feb, 2017

Few foods epitomize America as much as the hot shot does, here is a simple and easy version of the classic!

  • abeeda, salalah
  • Sat 31 Dec, 2016

Very simple recipe..can i just throw the flour in a plastic bag, dump all the chicken in there(without excess liquid), and shake the bag to coat the chicken?

  • Zoya khan, Hyderabad
  • Sun 24 Apr, 2016

I got kfc bites once and they were so overcooked they were sawdust and tiny the size of my fingernail. I went to that kfc one other time at ten of ten at night and they said they were out of chicken. lazy bums. that kfc has since closed, they weren't being run properly.

  • Shagufta shoib, Karachi
  • Wed 30 Mar, 2016

Hot shots many times i'm eating this in many restaurants but when i see this recipe here so i'm trying to make and its not the difficult thing its work and very easy to make and just need some ingredients for making it but after the complete you'll be happy cause the taste was awesome and crispy ...

  • sania, karachi
  • Wed 27 Jan, 2016

This recipe is really very delicious! Yummmmmy

  • Rimsha, Sahiwal
  • Sat 25 Jul, 2015

agar ye recipee sai na bni to

  • khadijatanveer, sialkot
  • Sat 17 Jan, 2015

This recipe really very delicious hmmmmmmmmm

  • AnamFahad, Gujranwala
  • Wed 09 Jul, 2014

yummmy recipe

  • maria , karachi
  • Wed 09 Jul, 2014