Pistachio Soufflé Recipe By Shireen Anwar

Pistachio Soufflé recipe by Shireen Anwar. This delightful Desserts recipe of Pistachio Soufflé can be ready in approximately 30 Minutes and good to serve around 2-4 People. Follow all the steps recommended by Chef to get a perfect dish.


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0:45 - 0:25

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Arfa from Hyderabad
  1. Eggs 2 separated
    Gelatin powder 1 tbsp
    Milk 1 cup
    Sugar 3 ounces
    Fresh cream 200 gm whipped
    Green color few drops
    Pistachio essence ½ tsp
    Chopped pistachio  2 tbsp
    Any red jell-o  1 packet
  • Dissolve jell-o in 1 cup of water and set a thin layer of jell-o in individual glasses, dissolve gelatin, put milk in a sauce pan with sugar and egg yolks, cook on low flame stirring continuously till 1 boil comes, remove add in dissolved gelatin, green color, pistachio essence, beat egg white stiff, now fold in the whipped cream, stiffly ebaten egg whites, fold in the pistachio, mix well, pour the mixture over the jelly, chill until set. Decorate with chopped pistachio and chopped greens.
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