Yogurt Vegetable Dip Recipe

Those who are learning how to cook can try out this delicious Yogurt Vegetable Dip posted here along with ingredients and step by step method. You can facilitate from this online recipe service and make some delicious food for your family.


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muneeba from karachi
  1. Yogurt ½ kg
  2. Milk ½ cup
  3. Carrot 1 (boiled)
  4. Potatoes 2 (boiled)
  5. Green chilies 4 (finely chopped)
  6. Peas ½ cup (boiled)
  7. Mint leaves 10 - 12 (roughly cut)
  8. Black pepper 1 tsp (crushed)
  9. White cumin 1 tsp (roasted and crushed)
  10. Red chili flakes 1 tbsp
  11. Salt to taste
  12. For Baghar:
  13. Red chilies 4 (whole)
  14. Few curry leaves 5 - 7
  15. Oil 2 - 3 tbsp
  16. mustard seeds ½ tsp
  17. Cumin 1 tsp
  • In a mixing bowl, whisk yogurt with milk to a smooth texture.
  • Mix salt, pepper, red chili flakes and cumin in yogurt.
  • Cut potatoes and carrots in cubes and set them with peas on a shallow serving bowl.
  • Pour the yogurt mixture over the vegetables.
  • Now garnish green chilies and mint leaves.
  • For Baghar : In a frying pan, fry whole red chilies, curry leaves, mustard seeds and cumin in some oil, till mustard seeds starts crackling .
  • Apply tarka on vegetable yogurt dip and serve with chapatti.
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