Top Reasons Why Crying is Good For Health

Although the first reflex we have when we encounter one of our relatives or friends crying their eyes out is to calm them down and stop them from having such reaction. We believe there are several reasons why letting a friend cry on our shoulder can be the best way to proceed. It could be healthy for them.

Humans are emotional creatures. We are used to acknowledging other people’s feelings, in order for them to acknowledge ours. We normally act in function of our emotions in any environment, for example, our home, the place where we work, or school. It is a normal human behavior to react when our emotions or feelings are compromised. These reactions often include finding ourselves in the verge of tears. So today we are telling you; Don’t swallow it, let the tears flow, because we have 10 reasons to believe believe it will be good for you.

Help us recover from grief

Grieving is a difficult process that involves periods of sorrow, numbness, guilt, and anger. We all have our own way to deal with loss, but one thing is for sure: crying helps. Crying can help us drain our stress levels and make us feel better afterwards, even if it’s just a little. Not crying the loss of a loved one can have consequences in a long term period. Humans need to go through the process of grieving in order to heal.

Restores your emotional balance

Not only we experience tears when we are sad, we also cry when we are feeling happy, angry, or stressed. Many researchers believe that crying in this way can help restore the emotional equilibrium that we need to face everyday situations. Crying may be the body’s mechanism to adapt to experiencing such strong emotions or feelings.


Improves your mood

Besides helping you ease physical and emotional pain, crying, or more specifically, sobbing, can help you lift your spirit. When we sob, we take in quick breaths of air, which can help us quite a lot. Breathing cool air can lower the temperature of the brain, which leads us to see things a little bit clearer.


Lowers blood pressure

It appears that crying is able to lower the blood pressure and pulse rate of those who experienced rage or any stressed situation that altered them. Stress hormones accelerate your heartbeat, dilates your pupils and prepares for the challenge, constricting your arteries which leads to high blood pressure. Crying reduces stress, therefore, it also reduces your blood pressure. Keep your heart healthy by shedding some tears for it.

Relieves stress

We have all felt the consequences stress can cause in our bodies and mental health, and none of them are nice for us. When we are stressed, our body is filled with different chemicals that affect our mood and the way we feel throughout the day. When we cry, we release said chemicals through tears and we become instantly more relaxed.

So the next time your stress levels are too high, don’t feel weak if your body starts to shed some tears, it is its way of reducing such levels.

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