4 Microwave myths you should not believe

(Source: timesofindia)

In our fast paced life, the microwave is a blessing in the kitchen for convenient and faster cooking, baking, grilling, reheating and defrosting food. The demand for microwaves has risen even during the pandemic as people stayed at home and upgraded their appliances for efficient functioning of their kitchens. With the pandemic and people juggling between work and home, consumers have realised the importance of microwaves to whip up quick meals for the family. However, some people are still sceptical about using the appliance for a longer period of time due to some myths. Infact, some consumers still don’t utilise the full potential of a microwave fearing certain implications. Here's a list of facts that one must know.

Cooking food in the microwave is harmful

Isn’t it something that you often hear whenever the function of a microwave oven is discussed? Over the years, this myth has been conveyed through different mediums, be it the internet or word of mouth. According to the U.S. Food and Drug administration (FDA), some believe that microwaving emits cancer-causing radiations, while others think that chemicals from the heated dishes can seep into the food. The fact actually is that microwaves use electromagnetic waves which are similar to those emitted from televisions, radio and electric shavers. These waves help reheating food more efficiently using lesser energy. Electromagnetic waves are not known to cause any harmful effect on food and consumables.

Microwaves are costlier than conventional stoves

Microwaves are actually more energy-efficient and use less electric power than conventional electric or gas ovens – repeated point. The cooking time in a microwave is a fraction of that in a stove, it saves a lot of energy as well as time. For Example – It would usually take 50 – 60mins to cook a lasagne on a stove but it would just take 15 – 20 mins to cook it in a microwave oven. According to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), the microwave uses 80% less energy when heating a relatively smaller quantity of food. Using a microwave can result in substantial saving on electricity bills.


Microwaving takes away nutrients from food

A lesser-known fact is that nutrients break down when exposed to any form of heat. Cooking food in liquids such as water can also leach out the nutrients from the food. In fact, microwaving food is a much quicker and simpler process of heating food. Contrary to the belief, microwaves preserve more nutrients while heating food than conventional methods.


All microwaves can bake and grill

People often buy a microwave for not only reheating but also baking, cooking and grilling. It is important to remember that a basic microwave will not be able to meet these demands of your kitchen. If you are looking for a microwave that can help you reduce cooking time in the kitchen, you should invest in a convection microwave oven that will add versatility to your cooking with a grilling function and can also be used to bake cakes and cookies. Microwave, if used properly, can be highly useful and time-saving. In fact, cooking in a microwave eliminates the formation of tars and char because of the lower temperature.