Cost of a Minister

(Syed Shahid, Mississauga. Canada)

Whoever wrote the article about the cost of a minister, is very good. We all should participate in bringing the facts before poor AWAM. I particularly request my young people, please come forward and play your role to improve the condition of Pakistan. Majority of the faces you see in the Government are the route cuase of corruption and with you efforts these devils can be routed out from our society. But do not sit idle, do what ever you can, write, peaceful protest and seminars on this issue to attract more people. These devils will not go so easily nor you can see any change in them because their routes are very long and inter mingled with other rotten routes.

We already lost larger part of our country, now Bengladesh, therefore, we should mobilize our lower and middle class people to keep the country united. If we do not act now, than it would too late and your future depend on this country.

Syed Shahid
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