Democracy is the best revenge

(Haseen Abbas Madani, karachi)

When PPP came into power they started a slogan that " Democracy is the best Revenge". Since then they are taking the revenge from Pakistan and Pakistani Public. It is very clear in all respect, it has become more clear that they have spoiled all institutions like Steel mill, KESC,PIA, Railway, Health institution, started efforts to spoil Gas company by load shedding. Practically they have insulted supreme court by not obeying the orders. They have their utmost efforts to shake the confidence of the public on Pakistan Army and PMLN is their partner in these efforts, because of not acting like a true opposition. Intellectuals are waiting to complete five years and to continue the system to run, it does not matter if the breath of Pakistan collapsed. They are going to make a record that first time in Pakistan the Democracy has completed the term.

The politician are not worried if the 60% of the public has become unemployed, factories have gone on shut down. Proper transport is not available, business in already collapsing day by day. Pakistan is becoming sick man of South East Asia, the enemies are waiting for how to take the charge of our Nuclear Assets. Most of the efforts are to keep Pakistan away from Islamic countries and particularly from Iran. West has already ruined Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and they moved with their successful efforts towards Egypt, Libya Algiers and Tunis etc. Syria is now in the list and very soon it will also be ruined. Actually when the Military dictators were ruling they were having their vested interests and spoiling the public benefits and have made the country their own kingdom and now the uprising of the public is such a blunt that it is doing something worst than before.

Here in Pakistan all the politician are united against Army, not to take over and save the country, they want that the country should be left on their disposal either they sell it or collapse, and they call it the beauty of the democracy. If the Democritus would have alive he must have drunken the bowl of poison like Socrates.

Now in Pakistan the Memo gate have started, all the talk shows have started to comment who is guilty and who is not. Every one is demanding transparent inquiry. Since this party came in power have you seen any result of inquiries, lot of people murdered but no one caught and no one is punished. This they call reconciliation politics.

Economically and culturally we are collapsed, lot of people are unemployed, pensioners are not given their pensions, the whole country is protesting but who cares.

If you review the activities of Mr.Hussain Haqqani, some time he was against people party leaders, the slogan will be more understood that really the Democracy is the best revenge. It is said always that the military regime has killed Mr. Bhutto through Judicial murder. The party has sacrificed, even when the party was in power they could not find the clue of the murder of late Mir Murtaza and when Mr. Zardari is in power there is inquiry for the murder of late Benazeer all efforts ended in smoke.

Country economically and culturally in very bad shape, street crimes are increasing day by day bank robberies are very common, the maximum effort Govt. can do is restriction on pillions. This is the best remedy for the bad governance ?. I feel useless to write the article because every thing is in the knowledge of the public, establishment, chief justice and Army chief but no one is daring to find any cure for this menace. I believe they all are wishing a head on collision with public and the authorities including criminals and if it happens it will be worst in the world. Do you know the difference between stupidity and wisdom, wisdom always has limits and stupidity has no limits. The things growing and flourishing in this country is stupidity and wisdom weeping or crying.

If you want to take revenge promote Democracy the worst democracy is better than a peaceful martial law, is this the sense and wisdom?

May Allah forgive us all and protect us and our country with the above mentioned revenge and may

give us patriotic and Saheb-e-EEman leaders. Ameen

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 83508 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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