Double Standards

(M. Amir Bashir, Lahore)

I can't understand WHY the west has remained biased ever:

Can there be any justification for killing innocent children & people in Gaza? But if the Palestinians retaliate through rocket attack, every one condemns. Why?

If a country invades over other, everyone condemns. If Israel invades, all remains quiet. Why?

Why is it so that a lady is allowed to wear bikini but she is not allowed to wear scarf? Is it liberty?

If a nun wears scarf, she is pious. If a Muslim lady wears it, she is fundamental. Why?

If someone speaks against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), it is freedom of speech. If someone speaks against Prophet Jesus (PBUH) or holocaust, it’s a crime. Why?

If USA or Scotland fights for freedom, it’s a liberation war. If any Muslim organisation does so, it is termed terrorism.

If somewhere Christian community demands a separation, UN immediately steps in and they are declared a separate nation. But if somewhere Muslims demand so, they are snubbed. Why?

West demands democracy. But if people of Palestine, Turkey or Iran elect people of their own choice, they are unacceptable to the west. One the other hand, where kingdom rules like KSA or UAE etc., they are happily acceptable. Why?

If other communities wish to keep their tradition, they are cultured. But if Muslims wish to keep their tradition, they are conservative, extremist. Why?

If others defend their homeland, they are brave, patriot. But if Muslims do so, they are terrorists.

If natural resources are found in the west, these belong to them. But if these resources are found in the east, even then, they belong to the west. Why?

For others, all are equal. But for Muslims, might is right. Why?

M. Amir Bashir
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