Will Obama meet the Expectations of Muslims?

(Shahzad Shameem, Abbottabad)

The world had their eyes over who would be the next president of the world’s strongest nation. Romney and Obama were running against each other in the presidential elections, and on the 6th of November 2012, Barack Obama was re-elected as the President of the United States of America. During his past four years of American presidency Obama has been popular within some Muslim countries and unpopular within other Muslim countries. Muslims of Egypt and Syria have high expectations for Obama’s achievements. Riots took place in these countries as both of them wanted democratic government. Obama supported these protests and moved forward to exert pressure for developing the democratic government.

Obama has been popular among Palestinians as well. Israel has tried to force Obama to send US troops into Palestine so that Israel can reclaim Palestine, but Obama has shown no interest in this case. Israelis have also tried to force Obama to take over the Nuclear weapons in Iran. Obama resisted this offer as well, thus making him popular among the Muslims of Palestine and Iran. However, Obama has been very unpopular among the Muslims of Pakistan. Anti-American riots and protests began in Pakistan during his government. In the past four years, the US drone attacks have increased in the northern areas of Pakistan. These attacks have killed terrorists along with innocent men, women and children. One accidental US drone attack took place at the Salala checkpoint which killed a Pakistani Army militant. The event of Raymond Davis and the secret Abbottabad operation against Osma bin Laden made him even more unpopular. Therefore, the people of the USA have given a new chance to Obama to restore his popularity. Therefore Obama should come forward to solve these universal problems and conflicts. Muslim people want to stop the war in Afghanistan and Palestine because it is illegal. There is no cause for war in Palestine. This problem is also awaiting the consideration of the United Nations.

Apart from all of this, Obama become more unpopular due to the American-made anti-Muslim video uploaded on YouTube. The video caused protest against America. During his campaign, Obama stated that this video was an insult to America and that he would jail the directors. Obama has promised to declare Palestine as a peaceful state. Muslims have high expectations for him, and they are hoping for peace in their regions. Pakistani Muslims also have hope that Obama will slow down the drone attacks, whereas Afghans are hoping that he will withdraw US troops from Afghanistan. There are hopes all around the Muslim world that Obama will meet their expectations. The policies of the USA were anti-Muslim during the last few years, therefore this trend should be changed. The misconceptions between the Muslims and the USA should be removed in order to create a good environment. Obama can play a very important role in this way.

Currently, Obama has several goals for the future, such as the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and addressing the dispute of Palestine. Similarly, the Kashmir conflict is also awaiting attention of the president. The USA is most powerful country in the world, and therefore the role of Obama is significant to solve these universal problems.

H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem
About the Author: H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem Read More Articles by H/Dr. Shahzad Shameem: 242 Articles with 345580 views H/DOCTOR, HERBALIST, NUTRITIONIST, AN EDUCATIONISTS, MOTIVATIONAL TRAINER, SOCIAL WORKER AND WELL WISHER OF PAKISTAN AND MUSLIM UMMAH.

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