Islam is the only identity of Pakistan

(Syed Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)

If you see today's article of Mr. Ayaz Ameer in the daily"Jang'. You will be agreed that if his nomination paper is rejected, it is a proper action of the responsible returning officer. If any one can brows his Articles can find very clear that Mr. Ayaz Ameer always writes against Islamic ideology but he writes hypocritically, he wants to show himself liberal. What is the liberal, this is also an anti Islamic way to express ambiguous. I could not understand that just for few more years in the life people not scared of the day of judgement and and express their Satanic views but for what? to get popularity in the western Lords, if they are paid for this how long this money will be worth for them. I think they are still in doubt of the fact that Allah is the only authority to whom we all should obey and must do good for the last day of judgement. The life is so unreliable that even we do not know the real span of it, still we are in effort to make the western Lords happy. Sulman Rushdi is not to be followed, he tried a blunt way to make money and highlighted his bad name.

Mr.Ayaz Ameer also points out that this Article 62&63 of the constitution is added by the Dictator late Gen.Ziaul Haque. I request the persons against the military dictators, they should remember that if late Gen.Ayub would have not taken the control of this country, this would have been finished by the corrupt politicians. It was a patriotic decision to ABDO the politicians for ten years. The second was the Late Gen.Ziaul Haque who saved the Islamic identity of this country. Some characterless progressive writers are trying to dictate their view just for some dirty money and they want to make this country non Islamic or secular, dear this is Insha Allah not possible in our life we are still strong to fight for our religion, culture and civilization. Don't you see the uprising in our youth that they cannot tolerate any stupid effort against Islam. If Pakistan will survive only under the Islamic Laws and if some one wishes to make it secular, he will be in total loss. May Allah bless Pakistan and it's Islamic forces. Ameen. What the Politician have given to this country. People can understand the output of the Democratic Govt. for the last five years, there was no ethics and no rules. Selfish peoples were so corrupt that even they submitted the fake degrees and even proud of their action. Some stupid persons are also saying that this Graduate assembly was the dream of the last dictator Gen. Pervez Musharraf, so what ? do you want to give the control of this country inthe hads of ignorant, corrupt, stupid and drunkards. This may be the dream but will never be true. Allah please mercy upon us and save us of this any Islamic elements. Ameen.

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 83735 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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