History that Pakistan made….

(Syed Hussain Mosavi, karachi)

It was March 16th, 2013 when almost every channel and print media was saying that “PP led coalition made history”. Yes! Definitely it was the day that will be remembered for a long time but to who should we give credit? People, Pak – Army or Politicians, in my opinion this will be “People”, who have tolerantly or should I say apathetically accepts high inflation, CNG – Crisis, Targeted killing and many more of these. Most of the people (including myself) does not knows about the rights / protection that we have in our constitution and these politicians sitting in parliament made decision which directly / indirectly effects our rights, here I am not emphasizing that we should know each and every bit of the constitution but yes, little bit of such laws should be known to us. I am not criticizing government here rather than us as a nation; truly it was a day where we make history! Now what we got? We have power to vote and this time we seriously need to come out from our comfort zone to vote and this vote might bring transformationthat we want to appreciate, here we also need to exterminate all the minor crime (which we think is not even a crime) in order to contributes to make Pakistan prosper. In last as it is rightly said:
Jaise Awam Waise hi HUKUMRAN!

Syed Hussain Mosavi
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