Mr.Nawaz Sharif be a true Muslim

(Syed Haseen Abbad Madani, Karachi)

What is happening in Pakistan now a days, these happenings have been experienced in past but the so called leaders have not taken any precaution in the light of the experiences of the history of the Country.

Because proud is the only behavior which makes the brain a junk yard. We the population of the country claim to be Muslim but not in real, actually there is a great mob of the hypo crates. They recite the Kalema “La Ilaha ilAllah Muhammadur Rasool –u-(A)llah” but without the understanding and commitment, people say that they believe in Kalema but they look towards these glamour of this modern world. Understanding of Kalema is very different with the intelligence and wisdom of this stupid knowledge of the advancement. Now there are many claims from every nook & corner about the constitution, law, Democracy and mandate while none of these actually exist. The rulers actually defaced the Islamic Ideology of Pakistan and totally inspired with the ideas of the enemies of Islam, they have decided that they cannot continue with the Islamic Ideology and they believe that their future is in the following of the west. They always have faith on the wisdom of the materialistic world but the Muslims have faith in the life after death, so there is no point scaring in any matter of the world.

The rulers are trying their best to achieve maximum money and benefits of this world, they have no morality and no shame, they should have understood the result of the boast of Satan, that the only his boasting spoiled his carrier. See what happened with Bhutto, Indra and Mujeeb when they confronted with the solidarity of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, this was the curse from Allah. What happened with Mr. Nawaz sharif when he confronted with Islam taking stay order for the banking without interest?

(Rebaa /Sood) Nawaz Sharif should have taken lesson of this experience but due to boast and proud his brain is not working. See Pervez Musharraf ,he degraded the Muslim state and just because of some modern women he destroyed the Islamic madrasah and ordered to remove the Quraanic Ayaat from the Educational books, persons having efforts for the revival of Islam he pronounced them Terrorist . Now Mr. Nawaz Sharif in his third term he has not reconciled the stay Order on Sood/Rebaa. Even he started to depute his family on the key posts of the country; they have taken full swing to make money. Nawaz does not understand the problems of IDP’s, people became refuge in their own country, their beloved died during the shifting from the north of the country. They are facing horrible situations. There are no proper arrangements for the safety of their lives. Nawaz Sharif does not understand the responsibility of a Prime Minister. He does not believe that Allah is also seeing all this.

On the matter of Banking without interest Nawaz have opened a war with Allah and His prophet. Does any one believe that Nawaz Sharif will be having success?
Mr. Nawaz Sharif must reconcile his anti Islamic actions otherwise he cannot get clear of all this mess

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 83751 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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