Dream world of the Politicians

(Syed Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)

How many days? we have spent on joint session of the Senate and the Parliament, spending lot of money just for nothing. It seems that the Prime Minister thinking that they will pass a resolution for the brutal action against the Dharna people, and they are thinking that the mob of dharna will be wiped off through bullets. If one is dreaming this result, really he is living in the fool’s paradise.

Just see the passing of the days increasing the losses. Now it is very clear that the so called democracy is going to be derailed by the Prime Minister for which he is blaming the protesters. There is an old story of two women that they were claiming a child as he was their own son, but it is not possible that how come one child may have two real mothers. When the case brought to the king he decided to cut the child half and half and to give the two pieces two the two claiming mothers. As soon as this was going to be decided one of the mother shouted and told, give this baby to the other women and she withdrew of the claim. Suddenly the king ordered the verdict that the child belongs to this woman who withdrew of the claim.

The same tie has become in this case if Mr. Nawaz Sharif, that both the claimers are the killer of the Democracy. If Mr. Nawaz Sharif would have a slightest believe in Democracy he would have stepped down to save the Democracy and would have gained the victorious favour from the public.

An important question that the reason of such Dharna/protest? Heavy taxes unjust laws, mismanagements, corruption and bad governance. The tolerance of the public has finished and they came on head on collision, do not count them they are actually eighteen millions people but most of them are already disturbed and so much entangled with the problems could not spare themselves to present in the dharna/protestors, the persons attending the protest seem very brave and they have a staminate to get rid of this crises of injustice. (what else is happening is the form of injustice).

To survive this situation, what to do? They found Mr.Imran Khan and Mr.Tahiful Qadri. Most of the people may not agreed with the two but they are hearing them shouting about the daily and basic problems, they never found any one discussing their problem in a such a loud and clear way. This appealed them and they came under this sitting in and brought their tents expecting a long time to get this issue accepted. Now nearly 3/4th of a month has gone, they are facing the problems apart than the politics, what are the weather’s problems have to be accepted, but they are with their ladies and cute children, who will look after them? Mr. Nawaz this must be you if you wanted to be the father of Nation. Do you remember the Moghal King Naseer-uddin Baber, just to save the life of the son of a lower cast woman, he endangered his own life. Rana pertab was behind him to kill him he saw such a situation surprisingly he asked you being the king endangered you life for a lower class woman child, he replied the “I am the king and it is my responsibility to keep well being of every one without considering their creed and cast. They all are very sacred for me. Mr. Nawaz , if you wished to be a king you must have followed Baber instead of Rana Pertab. Good governance does not need Democracy or King ship it is the behaviour of the success. It is an old saying “What you sow the same you have to reap” and if you believe to control by the Power, John Shirley says “Men may reap the field with their swords, but the death will lays his icy hands on them, and they will be equal made with the crooked sheath and the poor spade”. If you have courage, be ready for such a result.

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 83500 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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