(sarwar, lahore)


Almost all the Owners of various Channels, CEOs, those at the helm of affairs, the Anchor persons, the News readers and Incharge of various programs are Muslims and so were / are their parents. But it is really a matter of great sorrow and surprise that every channel, with the exception of a few, wants to be the Torch Bearer in the spread of Vulgarity, Modernism, Liberalism, Violation of set moral codes and Anti Islam / Ideology of Pakistan Feelings, through Fashion Shows even in schools/colleges, Commercial Ads, Sports coverage and Dresses of Female News Readers/Anchors etc. The Judiciary, the Government Functionaries, the PEMRA, the Ministry dealing with Education, the Media, the Politicians, the Law Givers, the Conscientious Muslims, the Religious Stalwarts, all are sleeping.

The Politicians of my country are so well read and qualified that they can hold any portfolio, can be entrusted with any task and can become head/member of any Parliamentary Committee. Moreover they are capable of discussing any issue of National importance. They can, in detail, give arguments in favor of or against (Depending upon the Party they belong to) any action of the Government. They can deliver speeches and moral sermons on every topic less Islam.

Except for one or two Religious Parties, none of the Politicians have ever been heard of talking about Enforcement of Islamic System in Pakistan!! A very vast majority of our Politicians are dreadful of this Code of Life because it imposes certain restrictions on them and makes them accountable to the State/masses for their deeds. They want to lead their lives without checks and balances. They want to become Free lancers where nobody can question their authority.

The Armed Forces are determined to uproot completely the menace of Terrorism no matter how much price they have to pay! But the Politicians are damn busy in accumulation of wealth even by illegal means not only for themselves but also for their future generations. Mud splashing and character assassination of their opponents is a routine matter. These Politicians are striving to make masses believe through their speeches, press conferences and Media Talks that those hauled up by Rangers are innocent, patriot, efficient and very honest persons as such must be released failing which democracy will be jeopardized, future of the country will become bleak. But this all is propagated only to save their skin.

A very senior politician, with very bright career of being Public representative for many years, WEPT because he had to vote, as per his Party policy, which according to him was against his Conscience. He did it as he was assured of a "Good Reward" for his sacrifice. Thus he rose to a very high position. Then at another occasion the same Personality spoke daringly against Corruption. However, if one reads between the lines, he tried to protect corruption of his Party! Alas! This time he did not shed tears (Even of Crocodile) He miss-used his authority by attending Party Meetings with the Protocol entitled to him as CHAIRMAN …... His Conscience has not pricked him after that!! Such like Politicians, despite holding very high positions, can't act according to their Conscience. This proved: There is hardly any Sincere, Patriot, Upright, politician who thinks and acts for Pakistan and is above Party Politics!!

Corps Commanders Conference’s sincere advice to Civil Govt to improve the “Governess” was taken by the short-sighted politicians in different perspective. These crook politicians joined hands and intentionally closed their eyes from the prevailing bad performance of the Central and Provincial Governments. They know that "Go Slow" tactics by the Govts will pay them (most of them fear of being exposed and thus put in jail). They always aim at neutralizing the efforts of Army. I am sure those who advised the Civil Govt to issue her version in response to above advice, are bent upon spoiling the political atmosphere in the country. The Armed Forces, to whom peace in the country is of great importance, are giving un-precedent sacrifices (laying their lives), hence do not want their sacrifices should go waste.

The political environment prevalent in our country, the events taking place pre and post LBs / By-Elections era proved: the ruthless use of police force, the excessive use of Govt functionaries, the intimidation of opponents, totally indifferent attitude of the Ruling Party to the "Zabta i Akhlaq" and cold shoulder to the Court Orders/instructions played important role to the success of the Ruling class. This fact is proved by the PPP and PML-N victory in Sindh and Punjab provinces. The Media Anchor Persons highlighted these observations and also pointed out the faults in the present Election system but the Politicians in power are not prepared to bring any improvement in Election rules.

A sample from our National Character; Shaharyar khan, Chairman PCB, deserves a big applause for leaving no stone un-turned in earning disgrace by first visiting Bharat, and then doing his utmost to arrange Cricket series despite Bharat’s repeated refusal and delaying tactics! He deserves a Civil Award for his extraordinary courage, keenness, commitment to the Cause of Cricket and his determination to prove that Bharat is very vital for Pakistan cricket. He failed to understand the flow of events in Bharat, the mind-set of Narendra Moodi (The Top Mad Man on the Globe and one of the top ten terrorist whose entry was once banned in USA), the Hindu mentality and the hatred the Hindus have about Muslims. The Poor Chap could not appreciate the problems faced by the Minorities, especially the Muslims of India since 1947. Alas! We have many such obstinate minded, devoid of self / national respect, but holding many top positions in Pakistan. It is time that such persons should learn a lesson! As a matter of fact it is high time that he resigns his post.

We all should remember that this Beloved Country was bestowed to us by Allah Almighty in the name of Islam. The Code of Life, spelled out in the Qura'n, was to be followed in every sphere of life. Allah the most merciful, through reminders in the form of Natural Calamities (Earth quakes, Floods, Dengue, Fires, Target killings, Murders, Terrorist Attacks, Atmosphere of Fear, Corruption, Tension,), has warned us many a time even in quick succession, and He desires that we all fulfill our Commitments made on the eve of Creation of Pakistan!! The sooner we do the better it would be. I am sure every sane and patriot Pakistani can start this Campaign. Thanks!!

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