Some Foods You Should Never Refrigerate

(Source: allyou)

You just hit the grocery store, and your fridge is overflowing. But do all those things actually belong in the refrigerator? The thing is, most fresh fruits and vegetables can survive without refrigeration — along with some other interesting foods, too.

Honey: Your luscious honey will turn to crystallized gunk if it is stored in the fridge. Store it at room temperature and out of direct sunlight for happy honey.

Onions: The best place for onions is in a paper bag in a cool, dark cabinet or drawer. If stored in the fridge, they soften and impart an oniony scent on nearby foods.

 Apples: Apples, just like tomatoes, start to loose flavor and texture after spending time in the fridge. Leave them on the counter, and toss them in the fridge for 30 minutes prior to eating if you want a crisp bite.
Potatoes: When too cold, starches found in potatoes turn to sugar, yielding an off flavor. Keep potatoes stored in a paper bag in a cool, dark cupboard or drawer. Same goes for sweet potatoes.
Tomatoes: Tomatoes actually start losing their flavor and become quite mushy if left in the fridge. Leave on the counter and use when they have a slight give to the outside skin.
Bread: You might be tempted to store bread in the fridge, but it actually dries out faster. Instead, store it in a cool cupboard or bread box for a fresh slice.
Peppers: Red, green, yellow, and even chili peppers are just fine stored in a paper bag in a cool cupboard or drawer.
Garlic: Store garlic in a paper bag in a cool, dark spot, and it holds its wonderful flavor for weeks.

Dried fruits: No need to refrigerate. Nope.

Berries: Fresh berries already have a short shelf life, so leave them out of the fridge and eat them within a day or two of purchasing.