I Have A Dream

(Noreen Zafar, Karachi)

There is a major difference in dreams and fantacies. Dreams do come true and with this beliefe I dare to dream as a citizen of an independent nation.

As a Pakistani I dream to witness the day when people will be loyal to their professions. I dream for a day when no innocent will die. I dream of a night when not a single soul on my land will sleep with am empty stomatch.I dream to see mothers not fearing of sending their children to mosques. I dream to witness a gathering where there will be no Sindhis, Punjabi, Pathans, Balochis, Sunnis or Shias but Muslims and Pakistanis. I dream of stepping out of my house and not being scared of getting robbed or bombed in a market. I dream to live in a society where women are treated as ordered in Holy Quran. I dream to see the day when Islamic Republic of Pakistan will follow Islam.

But does dreming is all I can do? Deep down inside I can not regret the fact that I am somehow responsible for one of this problems. Intentionally or unintentionally I broke the law laid by the government but I a, ready to take the responsibility. I am ready to join hands with billions of other citizens who have the same dreams as mine. Those who have realized that our nation is living on the edge, literally. A couple of more foolish steps and we will end up falling in a never-ending black hole where there will be no hope of a single ray of light.

I dream, no, I believe that together we can face every obstacle and will surely witness a day when Pakistan will prosper as it is suppose to.

God Bless Pakistan.

Noreen Zafar
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