Welcome to Peaceful Pakistan: British Airways

(Maemuna Sadaf, Rawalpindi)

After the Condemnable event of 9/11 and participation of Pakistan in the war of terror, an extreme wave of terror entered in the country. Terrorist attacks, including suicidal attacks, took the lives of many, leaving injured behind. The terrorist bomber started bombing major buildings, embassies,and religious places. Pakistan was considered as no longer safer place for foreigners. The international businesses were closed or shifted from the country. The flights from many airlines were also suspended for an indefinite time due to worsening security situations.

To stop terrorist attacks and bring peace back into the country, Pakistan Army took an initiative to counter the militants. Pak Army conducted a number of military operations against militants. These military operations against Tehreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other militant groups, to strengthen Law and Order situation in the country. Hence, after 10 years of continued efforts and sacrifices, peace is brought again in the country. The tourist’s attraction and the strategic peak of Swat and northern areas were cleared.The cultural heritage of these areas is restored and the areas are handed over to political management. Pakistan’s security forces deserve appreciation for their extreme effort to bring security situation back in control.The improved security situation is attracting foreign companies to start their operations again. The efforts of the new Prime Minister of Pakistan to revitalize Pakistan’s tourism industry have contributed to it.

British Airways will operate its flights directly Heathrow airport to New Islamabad airport in June 2019.Previously, BritishAirways has suspended its flights after Marriot hotel was bombed in 22nd September 2008. The flight operations were abandoned due to worsening security situations. The British High Commission announced that “The newest long-haul aircraft, the Boeing 787 Dream-liner will also land in New Islamabad airport. British Airways are the first western airline to resume its services in Pakistan.Asia Robert Williams, Head of sales British Airways said, “It’s exciting to be flying between Islamabad and Heathrow from next year, which we believe will be particularly popular with the British Pakistani community who want to visit or be visited by their relatives”. He further said, “We only fly somewhere when we know it is safe to do so.” The decision was made after a great improvement in the security situations in Pakistan.

Previously, the country was mainly depending on Middle East airlines such as Emirates and Etihad. Pakistan’s own airline is facing heavy losses and delayed flights. On the other hand, Middle East airlines are routed through the Gulf. The longer route made travel expensive and cumbersome for passengers. It is a good sign for other companies to bring about their operations back in Pakistan. Now the route for the passengers who want to travel from Pakistan to the UK or vice versa will be shortened, and less expensive. This is an indication to the world that Pakistan is no more perilous place for international visitors.

The continuation of British Airways flights will boost the bilateral links between Pakistan and UK. The trades ties between the two countries will also be strengthened. Foreign investment will also be increased. It will also bring tourists to the country. PM Pakistan Imran Khan vowed to revitalize tourism industry in an effort to bring in much-needed revenue.

Concluding more! Pakistan has a rich cultural and archaeological heritage, along with alpine valleys, pristine beaches and vast deserts peppered with vibrant Islamic shrines. These places have much attraction for tourists. As well as, Pakistan is also home to some tallest peaks including K-2, the second highest peak after Mount Everest. K-2 sits atop a region of 120 mountains rising above 7,000 meters. The splendid lakes and scenery is also a great attraction for tourism. The mixed topography and improved security situations will flourish tourism. If the tourism industry is well flourished it can bring in larger revenues to the country’s GDP.


Maemuna Sadaf
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