Politics And Allama Iqbal

(Saim Asim, Karachi)

Politics and Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal was not only a poet but also a political thinker. His political views brought about revolutionary changes in the society and made Muslims especially aware of their rights. In terms of the inventor of the concept of Pakistan, your personality is prominent. Clearly, people are less familiar with being a political thinker.

In the eyes of Allama Iqbal, those who are not aware of the needs and problems of the people are heartless people and they are among the characteristics of the British.
Allama has based his entire philosophy on the importance of the individual and his relationship with the nation. In his view, an individual has no importance as an individual, unless he is active in the field as a nation. The formation of a nation needs individuals.

If you think about it, it was Iqbal's philosophy that brought Muslims on one platform and Muslims then emerged as a movement.

In this regard, Iqbal's 1930 Allahabad sermon came into being and forced the Muslims of the subcontinent to establish Pakistan.

Allama Iqbal believed that two things were very important for political development in the nation. Religious and secular education and economic development. Respect for law is essential for running the system of government of any country. In his view, a successful society cannot be built without the rule of law.

Allama Iqbal says that the legislature should keep in view the requirements of the time while making laws.

Allama Iqbal believes that politics refers to the formation of a democracy whose discipline is governed by law and within which a certain moral spirit is active.

Allama had delivered a presidential address at a meeting of the All India Muslim League and said that the root of politics is the spiritual life of man.

The religion of Islam teaches the best lessons of morality and it has to be acknowledged that the collective and individual morality offered by Islam is rarely found in the world and world religions. Therefore, Allama combined politics and religion as one body. Some political thinkers do not give much importance to Islam or religion but in Iqbal's ideas and thoughts religion has been given priority. His religious concepts are in line with the hadiths and the Qur'an.

It is unfortunate that in the region where Iqbal worked so hard to gain land and persuaded the people through his revolutionary poetry, today there are not only Islamic laws but also laws close to Western laws. Priests of individual interests are seen here. ۔ National and collective interests are being completely ignored. Iqbal was a man who had a special place in foreign countries as a political thinker and as a revolutionary poet.

In Allama's mind is the map of democracy that Islam presented to the people during the Righteous Caliphate. Obviously, in this democracy there was no ruling class and the country was a defense and welfare state. Treat the rich minister and the people before the law. There had to be four. Equality was common everywhere. Iqbal is a supporter of Western style democratic monarchy. He says in one of his poems.

Democracy is a form of government in which
They count the slaves and do not weigh them

Allama believes that without religion there can be no spiritual and moral maturity. In the race of worldly and material progress, man can reach from one place to another, but his supernatural qualities are completely annihilated. But things happen that can't happen under normal circumstances.

Allama Iqbal was naturally free and very disgusted with the sound of the chains of slavery. He found the nation not dead but humiliated. The reason is their own indifference and frustration.
Iqbal was not afraid of the British but would tell the truth. The British tried their best to remove him from the leadership of the nation but he did not succeed in his goal.

Observing the British culture, politics and culture, Iqbal felt that Muslims could not live with the British under any circumstances. The idea of a separate state of Allama created such a passion in the Muslim leaders that they united and walked towards their destination.

The British and the Hindus abused the Muslims so much that they sometimes refused to give them the status of a nation and sometimes they even confessed. Eventually they had to accept that Muslims are a nation in every way.

If Pakistan is analyzed politically, religiously and economically after the formation of Pakistan, then it is clear that we have completely forgotten the Muslim leaders other than Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam and set our own course and deviated from those paths. We got this country with the help of In Iqbal's sermons, the concept of an Islamic state is consistently used in the pursuit of Pakistan's goals, but so far Pakistan has been used in the name of the Islamic state. We are not deceiving ourselves by doing so. Aren't we putting the goals of the establishment of Pakistan behind us?

Aren't we refusing to accept Iqbal as Iqbal. Iqbal had said in his Allahabad sermon.

"Religious, cultural, cultural, social and economic differences between Hindus and Muslims in India are so fundamental that they can never be removed. The rights of Muslims can only be protected if they are given religion and culture. Iqbal should always be remembered as a political thinker and the inventor of the concept of Pakistan.

Saim Asim
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