Balochs: are they fighting for freedom? Or for Justice

(Zarqullah Javaid, Lahore)

According to false propaganda and our misconception , Balochistan is a very dangerous area , they kill every Punjabi and many other vulgar things are famous about them . It's totally wrong . The situation there is 180 ° opposite . Balochs are very loyal to Pakistan , hospitable , generous , loving and lovable people . They have zero arrogance or any feeling of chestness . Even their Nawabs or Sardar will treat you as equal as like their own standards . They will sit with you on the floor . When asked one of their Wadaera for ablution for Asr , he even stood for me and guided me to the ablution point . That was very shocking for me . I never give respect like that anyone such like this . Such a great humbleness and modesty . They have thousands of qualities that we don't have . Most of the beautiful thing , is their hospitality . They will never let you go without serving their delicious meal . They will celebrate your presence as long as you stay in their home . If they have only one animal , and they are using it for their basic economy , even they will sacrifice it for you . No girl or woman moves outside of their houses , So you will see only men in markets or in other common places . They marry their boys , when their Beard starts growing . That's why they have zero rape crimes . They are very patriotic people . They love Pakistan . But their protest is due to oppression that some forces are still doing with them to capture their resources . They are even willing to donate these resources but in some conditions. And these conditions are based on their basic welfare . They need common facilities like health , security , basic infrastructure education , and self independence ( they never accept any foreign to role on them , their Sardars are their rulers just like you see in Turkish Drama " Ertugul " ) . Nowadays , Frontier Corps ( FC ) Balochistan is controlling the security management . They have thousands of Check posts that control Entrance and Exiting of Balochistan . They are very strict , without reference you can never enter Balochistan . So when you go there you have to become the guest of Nawab Akbar Khan Bughti Shaheed . For this you also need a strong reference . No doubt , there are also some terrorist organization like BLA that are specifically funded by Indian agencies but they mostly fight with security forces not with common people . FC Balochistan is working hard to control their terror activities . But , here I can say that it's totally State's failure . Our enemies use that weak points to hit us . State need to provide all basic needs that baloch require . According to National Security policy of Pakistan , a good national economy always has ability to counter terrorism . By providing people good health , education and infrastructure you can easily control terrorism in Balochistan rather than using power . And I challenge you Balochs are one of the most intelligent nation in Pakistan . They will help you to boost your economy , national dignity and all other areas where you need brilliant people . In conclusion , I want to suggest that you to visit Balochistan . It is a very beautiful land . If you love nature then you will get thousands of Beautiful and extraordinary scenery . Its deserted mountains are the world's most beautiful . There is no issue of security for anyone.

Zarqullah Javaid
About the Author: Zarqullah Javaid Read More Articles by Zarqullah Javaid: 6 Articles with 4403 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.