A journey from School to University

(Source: Tasleem Nizamani)

It's time to being mischievous, it's time to being Bookish, it's best phase of life, it's tough phase of teenage, it's time to be fool, it's time to be wise.
an exquisite journey from school first year to university last year,from mischievous period of life to serious period of university where a teenager anxious about future life.

In primary it's tough to go school but for the sake of parents we have to go.its time to make excuses for being free from school but as we reach in Medal phase of school we become habitual of school we don't make more excuse to be free from school.

As you reach in high(last two years) phase of school you become fond of this routine you become fond of School environment, school friends,Study, but at the end you have to leave all this then you have to start a new journey of college which is somehow reflection of that old journey.

You'll get some new buddies,new teacher's,new study method which will feel strange at starting but last year of college you'll fond of these days beside it you have to leave this all with a happy farewell.

From there you'll start last journey of academic career.In university you think you don't need anymore academic phase due to overburden of study( Assignment, presentation, midterms, annual) you'll think about living peacefully at home after university you want to free from this kind of depression but .....but same like pervious journey you'll be habitual in last year ..being free at the home you'll get that those school, college, university were golden days.

These are golden days to spent with friends,These are golden days to study,These are golden days for being mischievous.

Tasleem Nizamani
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