Turkiye is a country with rich historical and cultural background which maintained it identity, secured its cultural and religious values, never accepted foreign invasion, intervention exhibited resilience for its economic development and recently celebrated its 100th year anniversary of democracy. The Turkish Republic, founded from the ruins of the Ottoman Empire by the national independence hero Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, turns 100 on Oct. 29. Kemal Ataturk brought many changes in the country and gave a new look to it. Mustafa Kemal created unity among Turks, sense of patriotism, resistance against foreign invasion. One important reform he introduced was the right of vote to women and women were taken on board in policy making, development projects and the right to give their independent opinions in national affairs.
Now under the visionary, able, dynamic and sincere leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkiye is modern Islamic country which is more democratic with religious freedom, free of religious bias, tolerate, ready to adopt positive thoughts, innovation, invention from all civilizations and rejects blind following of colonial era thoughts and simultaneously rejected the narrow definition of religion. Turkish people are friendly and tolerate towards all other religions and follow the true teachings of Islam spreading peace, development, universal brotherhood and exhibit one of the best hospitalities in the world. Turkiye has learned a lot from it 100 years continuous struggler, hard work and there is a lot of improvement from an orthodox to a modern Islamic country.
Although Turkiye had remarkable achievements under democratic set up in 100 years however the country went on to impose bans on headscarves in schools and public institutions, brought restrictions on religious education, adopted liberal policies on alcohol, and even converted the main Ottoman imperial mosque, the Hagia Sofia, into a museum. All these policies have been reserved under Erdogan, who has given religious independence yet Turkiye is free from religious extremism. Now official functions open with prayers, the Directorate of Religious Affairs has been given a budget, the number of religious schools increased however Turkiye emerged as regional power and now moving towards a global power under the dynamic leadership of Erdogan.
Ataturk was an intelligent politician who believed in social engineering and he tried to modernize Turkiye while Erdogan too believes in top down social engineering while he turned religious sentiments towards honesty, patriotism and kept religious minded people towards constructive, positive and development thoughts and engaged them into constructive activities which brought very positive results and Erdogan became very influential in Islamic community and became one of the most popular Muslim leaders.
Turkiye joined NATO in 1952 and was candidate to join European Union but EU was not agreed to include a Muslim country which is bigger than most of the European countries in terms of area and population.
Country Population in million Area Square km
Turkiye 85.28 783,582
France 68.04 643,801
Germany 84.48 357,600
UK 67.33 243,610
Italy 59.11 302,073
Netherlands 17.97 41,865
Belgium 11.69 30,689
Spain 47.42 505,994
Turkiye’s interests generally were aligned to western countries but in recent years, Turkiye adopted a much more independent foreign policy which aims to extend its reach both regionally and worldwide. The new independent diplomacy gave Turkiye a much better and dignified position in international community. Turkiye now have very good relations with Russia, China and many Asian and African countries. European countries know the strategic position of Turkiye and can not ignore it.
Turkiye’s relations with Russia in recent years have grown significantly and Turkiye wants to play a role of mediator between Russia and Ukraine and it emerged as a peace promotor. Turkiye has taken principle stand against Isreal and condemned its brutality, barbarism and killing 16,000 people including 6,000 children and 4,000 women. Its principle stand enhanced its respect among the community of 1.75 billion Muslims around the world.
There is a similarity between Ataturk and Erdogan both of them desired to see Turkiye a great power although the approach of both is different. Turkiye is now a leader and not follower of western policies.
Western countries-imposed sanctions and armed embargo after 1974 war between Cyprus and Turkiye but restriction on arms sale, however became less important as Turkiye’s burgeoning domestic arms industry and its policy of self-reliance helped it to depend less on western arms. Its defence production grown from 20 percent to 80 percent. This local and indigenous production ranges from rifles and tanks to assault ships and a new fighter jet, Kaan, which is planned to fly in 2028. Turkiye has also become a major exporter of arms, most notably its domestically manufactured combat drones. Turkish-manufactured drones and other arms including warships have made it into the arsenals of many countries, including United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Poland and Azerbaijan. Bayraktar drones, owned and designed by the family of Erdogan’s son in law Selcuk Bayraktar, have proven its effectiveness worldwide.
Once poverty ridden country is now a member of the Group 20 most developed nations. Tayyip Erdogan is now a synonymous with far reaching construction boom. Highways, bridges, tunnels, pipelines, airports, hospitals and raising the life standard of his people have all sprung up around the country. This new infrastructure is such a source of pride and legitimacy for Erdogan’s government that Turkiye became symbol of development and role model among many Asian and Muslim countries.
Education is the matter of nation’s pride and soul in Turkish policy. Science and Technology in Turkey is centrally planned by TUBITAK and is responsibility of universities and research institutes. Research and Development is given top priority by Turkish government and it has shown a significant jump in recent years. Turkey was ranked 41st in the global activities in 2021 and has increased in ranking considerably in since 2011, where it was ranked 65th. Tertiary enrolment has grown rapidly to accommodate and no fewer than 30 universities were funded between 2016 and 2019, 20 of which are public institutions. By 2018 gross enrolment ratio was 109.5%, and the number of doctoral students has risen by 22% to 95,100 since 2015. There are around 820 higher education institutions including universities with a total students’ enrolment 1 million. Many universities in Turkiye are providing education and facilities as par with International standards, the technical universities are often compared with universities in the United States of America and are regularly visited by the US Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and their engineering programmes deemed substantially equivalent to comparable programmes in USA.
Turkish Universities actively participate the Socrates- Erasmus programme of the European Union Commission aiming to increase students and academician mobility within the EU. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye (TUBITAK) coordinates basic and applied research and development, acting on proposed policies by the Turkish Academy of Science (TUBA). There are more than sixty research institutes and organizations. Turkiye’s Research and Development strength include agriculture, forestry, health, biotechnology, nuclear technologies, minerals, materials, IT and defence.
2002 2021 Change Rate (%)
GDP (Billion USD) 240 795 231
GDP Per Capita 3.617 9.406 160
GDP PPP (Billion USD) 729 2.873 294
GDP PPP Per Capita 10.998 33.963 209
Foreign Trade (Billion USD) 87.60 496,7 467
Export (Billion USD) 36,05 225,3 524,9
Import (Billion USD) 51,55 271,4 426,4
Industrial Production (Billion USD) 59,08 222,6 276,27
Total employment (million people) 20.58 29.58 44,1
Ease of Doing Business Ranking 93. 33.
Foreign Direct Investment Stock (Billion USD) 18,82 221,57 1.077
Number of Companies with International Capital 5.600 73.675 1.215,6
Total Public Expenditure 80,95 222,78 175,2
Central Bank Exchange Reserve 21,7 116,5 436,8
Ratio of Public Debt to National Income 65,4 33,7
Source: IMF, United Nations, Credit Suisse and World Bank
It shows that its GDP grew 231% from 2002 to 2021, GDP per capita increased for the same period to 160%, Foreign trade 467%, Exports 5,249%, Import 4,264%, Industrial Production 27,627 %, employment 441%, FDI 1,077%, No of companies with international capital increased from 5,600 in 2002 to 73, 675 which is 12, 156% increased during this period.
Turkish rich 100 years reflects its bright future and in coming decade Turkiye will emerge as a global power as its people and leadership are equipped with wonderful qualities of patriotism, modernization with the combination of Islamic values which teach universal brotherhood and equality, respect of women and sharing them on board in economic development journey, Turkish role in global peace and development is increasing and no power can now ignore it.
I am proud that I am part of these efforts to promote Pakistan Turkiye Friendship and my efforts are Alhamdo Lillah recognized and admired by His Excellency Cemal Sangu, a very dynamic, hardworking diplomat and Consul General of Turkiye who is very kind, friendly and like my brother. Mr. Jawed Malik Chief Editor of The News Lark always extended his unconditional cooperation and dedicated his platform to highlight the success, achievements, positive image of brother Islamic country Turkiye and we pledge that we will continue these efforts Inshah Allah.