Is every citizen enjoying the opportunity of education in Pakistan?

(Erfa Rizvan, Karachi)

Education is the essential part of every individual's life but unfortunately 20,000 citizens(children) are unable to receive education due to which Pakistan has high illiteracy rate, and comes under third world countries.

If we peek into our surroundings, in backward and underdeveloped areas children are not allowed to receive education instead, they are provoked to help their elders in farming, plumbing or any other professions like these. Additionally, in such areas girls are not allowed to receive education, even they are not allowed to step out of the house because their elders believe that girls are only born to run the stove of the kitchen but what is difference between a stove run by an educated and an uneducated woman?
Secondly, people running their family businesses do not allow their children to persue higher education and want them to run their family business at an early age. Further more, child and early marriages are also the main reason for lack of educated people in Pakistan because people then start to focus more on expanding family and earning.
Similarly, education in Pakistan has become expensive in the private sector and many people are unable to afford it due to increase in market prices and inflation. In contrast, government sector of education lacks infrastructure, good teaching faculty and resources which is almost equal to not receiving education.

In conclusion, these are the root problems due to which Pakistan lacks literate and educated people which is resulting in backwardness in every profession, field, research and experiment. Pakistan really need people like Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Dr. Saleem-u-zaman Siddique etc so that Pakistan can flourish and advance itself so that it can walk along the world. Quaid e Azam said:

"Education is more powerful than sword so increase it in your country so that no one could defeat you"

Erfa Rizvan
About the Author: Erfa Rizvan Read More Articles by Erfa Rizvan: 8 Articles with 2019 viewsCurrently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.