Treatment of Karachi Syndrome

(Dr.Masood Tariq, Hyderabad)

1. Military Administrative action with consent of P.P.P, M.Q.M and A.N.P. Result will be long-term peace in Karachi.

2. Military Administrative action without consent of P.P.P, M.Q.M or A.N.P. Result will be long-term hate with Military and Punjab in Karachi.

3. Para-Military Administrative action, after imposing “Governor Rule with Neutral Cabinet” admissible to Sindhi, Muhajir and Pukhtoon masses of Sindh. Result will be long-term peace in Karachi.

4. Civil war between Muhajir v/s Pukhtoon, Muhajir v/s Baloch and Muhajir v/s Sindhis in Karachi and Sindhi V/s Muhajir in Hyderabad, Sukkur, Nawabshah and Mirpurkhas. Result will be to choose any one (1) option from above.


It is also possible that due to delay in decision to solve the Karachi problem, the Sindh game may go in the hands of Non-P.P.P Sindhi Players i.e. Sindhi Nationalists and other Sindhi Politicians.

According to the constitution, military is supposed to perform under charter of duties and according to the law.
Law and order is a provincial subject, without request of Provincial government even federal government is not authorized to order the military to interfere in provincial subjects.

Therefore, Military Administrative action with consent of P.P.P, M.Q.M, and A.N.P, and after the approval of provincial government will result the long-term peace in Karachi.

Otherwise, Military Administrative action without consent of P.P.P, M.Q.M and A.N.P and without approval of provincial government will be illegal if directed by federal government or it will be unconstitutional, if declared by military own self, it will result the long-term hate against Military, Punjab, Punjabis and Karachi will be the Booby Trap for Military.

Therefore in current scenario the Para-Military Administrative action, after imposing “Governor Rule with Neutral Cabinet” admissible to Sindhi, Muhajir and Pukhtoon masses of Sindh is a possible solution. It will result the long-term peace in Karachi.

Otherwise prevailing social and political trends of Karachi and Sindh will lead the situation towards the civil war between Muhajir v/s Pukhtoon, Muhajir v/s Baloch and Muhajir v/s Sindhis in Karachi and Sindhi V/s Muhajir in Hyderabad, Sukkur, Nawabshah and Mirpurkhas.

However, in the end of civil war, again the solution will be to choose any one (1) option from above. Then why not to choose any one option right now?

Anyhow, these options are still long term but not permanent solution.

For permanent peace in Karachi intellectual, social, political, administrative and economical honesty and justice is a vital factor by all the ethnic communities of Karachi.

Trend to praise, cooperate, save and support the evils of own community and to criticize, confront, dominate and discourage the rights of other community will make the atmosphere, even for military impossible to treat the syndrome of Karachi.

Wise saying:
First trace the cause of Problem then treat the problem.

What is the primary, basic and initial cause of Karachi Syndrome?

1. Intellectual Dishonesty by the writes, journalists and scholar?

2. Social Hate between ethnic communities Muhajir, Sindhi, Baloch, Pathan, Punjabi?

3. War of Economical Domination between Muhajir, Sindhi, Baloch, Pathan, Punjabi?

4. War of Political Revenge between M.Q.M, A.N.P, P.P.P Political leaders, supporters and workers?

5. Struggle of Administrative Domination by the M.Q.M, A.N.P, P.P.P Political leaders, supporters and workers or by the Muhajir, Sindhi, Baloch, Pathan, Punjabi communities?

To avoid the reality, indicates the unwillingness, to solve the problem by honor, justice and dignity.

QUOTE: Mankind will never see an end of the trouble until and unless; lovers of the wisdom come to hold political power or holder of power become lover of wisdom. (Plato)

Dr.Masood Tariq
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