PAK-US, PAK-CHINA Ties and Geopolitical Problems of Pakistan

(Dr.Masood Tariq, Hyderabad)

Pakistan is hanging like a pendulum between U.S.A and China along with many regional and supporting players due to geo-political position in war of domination, because of, communication and energy corridors, geographical presence at door step of China at north, central Asian states through Afghanistan at North West, Iran at south west and Arabian Sea at south. Therefore, neither the U.S.A is able to isolate the Pakistan like Iraq and not be able to capture like Afghanistan. As this type of adventure will provoke the interests of other key world players particularly China and Russia, thus, it may initiate the 3rd world war.

As, the Russia was already attempting to reach the warm water but now China is also willing for it by 2030 and from 2020 China will start the advancement towards the Arabian sea, till 2020 China will work to choose and secure the corridors. However, owing to Chinese role in Pakistan since 60’s, people of Pakistan trust the China as a faithful friend. Consequently; people of Pakistan are not ready to support any action against Chinese interest, as they did against Russia for decades.

Pakistan is facing a hard time of life due to communication and energy corridors. Therefore, if China is ready to reach the Arabian Sea in near future then Pakistan will be a battle ground instead of communication and energy corridor, primarily the region of Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will happen to be the main target. If not then, it is not suitable for U.S.A to break or even reduce the strategic relationship with Pakistan. Because without geographical support of Pakistan, U.S.A will lose the control over Afghanistan and Russia will again advance towards the warm water. Yet any plan of U.S.A to convert Pakistan into a battle ground will force or facilitate the Pakistan to change the camp. Otherwise, Pakistan will prefer to maintain the strategic relationship with U.S.A.

Although, for game of domination between international players, the suitable option is, the will and wish of “people of Pakistan” represented by the national political leadership. Furthermore, the sovereignty, integrity and national interests of Pakistan are an internal subject, related to the qualities of nation and leadership. But, due to un-organized and non-systemized national political parties, since from Liaquat Ali khan era to present government, dictatorial and puppet rulers were sweet choice for U.S.A, to secure the interests in Pakistan and to keep Russia away from the warm water.

However, now people of Pakistan are fading up. They are furious and frustrated about the dictatorial rulers and puppet leaders due to negligence of public affairs, interests and problems. Consequently, in future, atmosphere and circumstances will not support the dictatorial rulers and puppet politicians, absolutely. Because, in future era game of domination between U.S.A, Russia and China will enhance in North Africa, Middle East and central Asia. Therefore, Pakistani politics will start to dominate the national and international issues at public ground too.

Therefore, institutionally collapsed and economically distorted Pakistan, along with, socially polarized, administratively victimized and politically deprived people of Pakistan due to terrorism, fascism and nepotism, as a result of inefficiency, misconduct and corruptive practices of dogmatic and tyrannical rulers as well as puppet and pseudo politicians in conjunction with their masters, patrons and facilitators (mostly the PAK-US establishment) furthermore, proxy facilitation to counter the attempts of destabilization and insurgency in Pakistan at national and international stage by the U.S opposing players; especially China or Russia may turn out to be a major political and moral hazard for U.S.A at national and international level. Defiantly, it will be consequential for the regional domination of U.S.A, along with control over Afghanistan.

Dr.Masood Tariq
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