Kabul Attack ..New Trouble for Pakistan

(Asif Mahmood, Montreal)

Bismillah Mohammadi , the Afghan interior minister has alleged that the Haqqani Network is suspected to have carried out suicide attacks on the Afghan capital and other cities.Western officials also said that the attacks bore the hallmarks of the Haqqani network, which has focus on attacks against high-profile Afghan government and foreign targets.The Haqqani network was also alleged last September involved in one of the last major attackson American embassy in Kabul.The US Ambassador in Kabul told the media that the attacks like this strengthened the case for Americans staying until the Afghans were fully ready to handle the situation on their own.

This fresh incident could spark fresh tension between Washington and Islamabad just as they seemed to be patching up their troubled relationship. It will likely re-ignite anger in Washington over Pakistan's unwillingness to crack down on the Haqqani network using its territory as a base to target neighboring Afghanistan.

The potential flashpoint comes days after Pakistan's parliament finally approved new guidelines for the country in its relationship with the U.S., a decision that Washington hopes will pave the way for the reopening of supply lines to NATO troops in Afghanistan. Westren Media has start accusing ISI, of helping with that attack.We know whenever something happens, blame is always laid on Pakistan's doorstep.

Obama administration could face pressure from Congress and U.S media to criticize Pakistan but the U.S. wants Islamabad to reopen the NATO supply lines.

The relationship is further complicated by Pakistani opposition to U.S. drone strikes , but the U.S. has refused to comply.

Washington has long demanded that Pakistan target Taliban militants and their allies in the Haqqani network who are using Pakistani territory to launch cross-border attacks against American troops in Afghanistan.

Islamabad angrily denied the accusations. claiming its forces are stretched too thin fighting domestic militants seeking to topple the Pakistani government. But most analysts believe Pakistan is reluctant to crack down on groups with which it has long-standing ties because they could serve as key allies in Afghanistan after foreign troops withdraw, especially to counter the influence of its archenemy India.It looks in coming days recent attack could spark US-Pakistan tension.

Asif Mahmood
About the Author: Asif Mahmood Read More Articles by Asif Mahmood: 5 Articles with 7152 views Currently, no details found about the author. If you are the author of this Article, Please update or create your Profile here.