What is our status

(Syed Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)

The country was made for Islamic State, at present the intellectuals proved that it was a great bluff and they say it was only for economic reasons not for Islamic Idea logy, to collect people on economic grounds it was impossible but on the name of Islam they just rushed and followed Mr. Jinnah. According to Mr. Abul Kalam Azad it was not the division of India but it was the actual division of Muslim Community into three Units, India, Pakistan and East Pakistan. English were expecting that they will be divided in another unit with the name of Bangladesh and really it happened so. They have manipulated through their agents and this was the reason we heard the dividing statement “We here and you there” Mujeeb was released Bangladesh was accepted by the efforts of Mr. Bhutto, he called Muslim summit just for the cause of acceptance of Bangladesh as a separate country. Shifting of the Capital from Karachi to Islamabad was the first step in this effort. The Bengalis had to come to the Capital by passing one thousand Nautical Miles, which was increased one more thousand miles from Karachi to Islamabad.

Islamabad is not a natural city and it has not yet received the status of the natural city, and for the poor Pakistan it was a great economic disaster, man made lakes, mountains, Parks ,rivers, water reserves never lasted long .

The hidden agenda seems to disintegrate the country, and at this stage it must be very clear that the efforts of the Government, which seems to collapse this country. Can you imagine that the persons having dual nationality, having double oath to be faithful with two countries. Is it not clear that this behavior is illogical?

One can only be faithful with one only if he claims with two he must be hypocrite also can name him Mushrik, love and faith cannot be divided into two. This is the reason Allah will never forgive the Mushrik.

In Christianity when the Chinese adopt Christianity they go to the church and also they go to their temple, this is the form of dual worship I have seen. But in Islam we cannot do this.

The so called progressives are actually double cross and they always worship their own interest . Love patriotism, sacrifice they do not know they can sacrifice the whole country for their small interest and we observe these people every day.

In my teen ages it was my conception that the Army and particularly the Army of Muslim country cannot compromise with the people who undermine Islam and its ideology, because the idea was this that Muslim Army is never a paid Army, their salaries were in the favor of compensation for their daily butter and bread, and it was a firm believe that they are doing a holy duty to save the country. Every one was respecting them as the Guard of the Nation. This is the reason we call the persons Shaheed for the sacrifice of their life.

Once one of the General of our Army committed that the obedience compliance of the order from the high command is always subject not contradicting the Islam and the prime holy duty of the Army was to save the country. What I am experiencing now they are looking forward for the order of high command and there is no consideration of Right and Wrong every thing is under the obedience of the Lord, while in the teaching of our Caliphs that if I order you against the holy book or the Hadith of holy Prophet do not obey my orders and do as the Holy Qur’an and Hadith says.

Here it means that the obedience is subjected to the appointing authority and the person pays for the services.

In this situation we must forget that this is the Islamic country and the Army is a Muslim Army, they are the slave of the command not the slave of Allah. This is the reason daily we see lot of things happening and our police and Army take no action because they have no Order from the high command now the command is not subjected to the will of Allah. This is Democracy here, the intellectual say that the parliament is supreme, and they are firm that they can make any law even contradicting Islam. While for last 60 years we have been listening that there is in the constitution that no law can be made or implemented against Islam, You see no body says that there is no immunity for the president of Pakistan as in the eye of Allah all human beings are equal.

What is the difference between Islamic Democracy and Western Democracy? Islamic Democracy is subjected to the will of Allah and Western Democracy is subjected to the will of the people with out any consideration of ethics and civilization or good and bad.

The ruling party is ready to change any law subject against their benefits, and our courts are disgraced due to the reason that they also advice to make the law as per their wish and benefits. In the Islamic system courts are always powerful and king or caliph is bound to obey the Qazi as he is the only authority to implement the Islamic law which can only be interpreted but cannot be changed against the sprit of Islam.

Now it seems that the common public also under the western influence and agree with the modern Democracy even if the ignorant can vote against a learned person. In the democracy the credentials of a person have no value, but the number of persons voted is important even if they are stupid.

The thieves will always vote the thieves and a noble and reasonable cannot be approved by them. We must open our eyes and must understand that our leaders as they are on the payroll of west are fully agreed to make this country Secular state. Then forget social justice and Islamic civilization.

They have to oppose each and every Islamic rule and restrictions and they have to promote their shameless activities. Hajab will be an obstruction in their progress and they will also promote corruption and theft as we are experiencing every day. Need less to count what damages have been made by this Government.

You cannot call any Guard to help you, only Allah, but he will say, you have given the mandate to the culprits so face the music, why calling to me. This might the justice of our acts what we have done.

If some one still hopeful he must mark it that the vote must go to the right person, but I do not think they will give any chance to vote against them.

O Allah please tell us how can we give life to our hopes.

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 91506 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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