Dilemma of Confused Nations

(Syed Ali Raza, Lahore)

East and west has been at loggerheads with each other for decades. British colonial rule in sub-continent brought some amalgamation between the two diverse cultures but on the other hand, it also gave spark to the ‘Nationalism’ in Indians. Muslims were the first who took lead in boycotting British culture and language. Young generation in sub-continent remained suspended between the two extremes whether they should join hands with liberal or to go with the religious fanatics. With the emergence of America as a super power in present world order, same ideology was inducted into the youth, which we inherited from the master-slave relationship during colonial era. Pakistani young generation is confused between three ideologies: The are not able to figure out which one is the right way to go. This helps to bring a clash between the liberals and extremists. Those people who opposed the adoption of western culture, joined hands of promote extremism among the young generation.

Comparative analysis of the beliefs and values of Islamic and non-Islamic publics in 75 societies around the globe, confirms the first claim in Huntington’s thesis: culture does matter, and indeed matters a lot, so that religious legacies leave a distinct imprint on contemporary values. But Huntington is mistaken in assuming that the core clash between the West and Islamic worlds concerns democracy. The evidence suggests striking similarities in the political values held in these societies. It is true that Islamic publics differ from Western publics concerning the role of religious leadership in society, but this is not a simple dichotomous clash-- many non-Islamic societies side with the Islamic ones on this issue. Moreover the Huntington thesis fails to identify the most basic cultural fault line between the West and Islam, which concerns the issues of gender equality and sexual liberalization. The cultural gulf separating Islam from the West involves Eros far more than Demos.

There is a traditional hatred in our society against America as many surveys conducted by different organizations suggest that most of the Pakistan people consider America as their worst enemy. While in America, Pakistan is considered one the dangerous places in the world to live in. well, that is how the two societies of Pakistan and America think about each other which happen to be allies in the war on terror. During 1980s, jihadist movements were encouraged in Pakistan to defeat soviets with the help of America. Extremism took its roots in this country in that period which promoted hatred against America, which was the next enemy of Islam after the Soviet Union collapsed. So, religious fanaticism began to thrive on the hatred of America.

As we all know, America is the biggest aid given to Pakistan. Paradoxically, it appears contradictory that America gives us aid and we hate him as well. This is where the young generation found itself confused. The answer which we get from fundamentalists is that America is the enemy of Islam because it her invaded Islamic countries like Afghanistan and Iraq.
The simplest answer is that America is the sole super power in this unipolar world and it will pursue its interest wherever it wants. We do not have the capacity to confront with it, we should seek our benefits and interest through peaceful and friendly means. This was the same advice, which Sir Syed Ahmad Khan gave to Muslims after the failure of 1859 Meeting.

As far the role of Pakistan in war on terrorism is concerned, this country has suffered a lot in this alien engagement and made more foes than friends. Pakistan needs to review its relations with America to have an independent economic policy. Due to the imposition of Washington Model of Capitalism, the people of Pakistan are suffering. American economic model is based on consumption, low interests, no savings and small and medium businesses. Pakistan by law is a welfare state in which savings are used to fund public spending. Due to the use of American economic model, cost of living has gone up in Pakistan as 34 percent of its population is left without healthcare and 70 percent is unable to continue education. Pakistan’s savings are at 13 percent against 26 percent in the region. As a result, government is forced to take loans, which in turn fuels inflation and resultant poverty. Islamabad will have to downgrade its relations with America to end poverty and adopt savings based economic model to provide relief at grassroots. The majority can only benefit if capitalism is replaced with the welfare model.

The answer, in my opinion, is that if we take aid we should not hate America. We should drag the veil of our duel partnership with it because now, terrorism and extremism threatens us more than any other country in the world. Our religion promotes inter faith harmony and love. It rejects the discrimination on the basis of color, cost or race we should establish a nation to nation relationship with it rather a more disguised one. This the only way we can engage our young generation with the other generations of the world at societal level which will help to eradicate that confused attitude of our young generation which diverts it towards extremism.

Syed Ali Raza
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