Are we independent
(Syed Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)
See there are many
demonstrations and processions but who cares?
This is shown that any time any martial law came in this country never by the
processions and demonstrations of the people of the land. Certainly those were
under the influence of the big powers. When America wanted to change the regime
it was changed by the establishment, I cannot say if it was willfully but the
correct word is that peoples manipulated knowingly or unknowingly.
We never had an independent strategy and the sovereignty of the country was
never existed. We were influenced and still behaving like rowboats. Those who
have our remote they are handling us according to their interest and our Elites
are the controller of the herd, our feelings, pain or happiness have no value.
The big powers are only labeling some time Democracy and some time they had
practiced socialism through Mr. Bhutto. When he was inclined towards China he
was no more wanted and a cue designed, to keep population cam down it was an
Islamic disguise. The population thinking as they have arrived at the
destination but it was the destiny that Zia-ul-Haque was also no more wanted,
another cue taken place. Until the leaders are sleeping or feeling weak that
they have to run the country on the crutches given by the big powers, they
became the king of the country and when they have tried to show the sovereignty
of the country they were terminated or wiped off, The nuclear achievement was
with out their consent and knowledge now they are trying to make this a failed
state. The same strategy is in application as it was in Yugoslavia, when the
country will be (Allah forbid) disintegrated they will take away the nuclear
Uprising in the Middle East and in the North Africa is manipulated by the people
of wisdom and if the locals trying to take the benefit of the situation they are
called rebellions and the terrorists.
The history old instinct of man kind has not changed and he is still looking to
become the invader of the world. To make the task easier he has named the world
a Global village and really also connected through the fastest communication
People have very powerful equipment (Mobiles) to get in touch with the world but
cannot do any thing in their own benefit but for the Lords and Masters.
Any one can assure us that any time in future is it possible to be a free man or
we are born as slave and will be the same always.
I think on this matter I can not conclude that what is wrong, if the world enjoy
peace and harmony, the system given to us for this purpose is called ISLAM but
alas neither we ourselves follow this and nor the other partners of the world
let us to follow this. I admit that we are the most enemy of our nation than
others; we do not love our brother and have become very selfish. The peoples are
only thinking their own can not survive with respect and dignity.
Alas we never under stood the philosophy of KHUDI of Iqbal, actually he says
forget yourself and sacrifice for the brothers, then Allah asks what can I do
for you.
May Allah bless us to be a great Muslim and help us to survive with dignity and