Pakistan is more important than Democracy

(Syed Haseen Abbas Madani, Karachi)

This is our beloved country where the parameters are variable. Ethics have lost the standard. Every illegal activity is already mandated like fake degrees, printing of the currency without any Gold reserve.

The Government has taken Billions of rupees as debt from the country banks. Lots of cases unsolved, most of them are in pending and most of the cases cannot fulfill the legal requirements. Criminals are free due to no proper evidences and witnesses. The beauty of the Democracy is, whatever any one wants can practice, no restriction of crimes and murders. We have especial kind of murder which we call target killing, the killer is always unknown, no body bothers because it is not he and if it may happen he cannot help it.

The three institutions are in power Government itself, Chief Justice, and the Army. All the time they are shouting for the security of the country. But you cannot find the effects because; there is lot of ambiguity in the understanding of the security. This is not clear criminal will secure the criminal or the Government will try to secure everyone who is in the structure of the Government. Chief Justice is trying his best to maintain the standard of justice but the Democracy never accepts it.

I do not understand that the Army is under the subordination of the President and the Prime minister. This may be an impossible situation that if the President and Prime minister are not loyal to the country, what will be the action of the two institutions i.e Army and Chief Justice.

It is very open to all of us that the President took shelter under his presidential immunity while he was convicted in money laundering case, now Prime minister is in Rental power case more over the investigating person died, suicide or killed no one knows.

This is the height of the beauty of the Democracy and the system should not be derailed because this is the only straight line Pakistan will have progress in the world GDP will raise and stock market will fly.

The crises of CNG, everybody knows that it is absolutely man made; it has no relation with the natural crises efforts has been made to bring LNG in the country for their vested interest.It does not matter if more than six hundred factries are closed due to shortage of CNG.

For the sake of security, restriction on double riding on motor cycle, it is more beneficial for the police and total loss for the motor cyclists. For some rupees the motor cycle confiscated and kept in police custody. The owner cannot get it back without paying heavy amount as bribe, even then you cannot guarantee that the spares will be intact.

Media is shouting very loudly all the name of the responsible, you may have all the species president, Prime minister, Chairman Nab, Mr. Tauqeer Nasir, authorities helped him to escape under protocol.

Anyone can see from any angle that the country is the only victim and the corruption master minds are running the democratic system as they have the mandate just like few un invited guests nocked the door and the person opened the door, could not stop them even if he recognized them that they are security risk but what to do they pronounce this is their mandate.

Chief Justice and Supreme Court is the only watch man shouting and challenging the culprits but no way to make them understand. In this situation I only can say that in the system we must have a foolproof security, which can only be achieved by an independent security board which must have power to stop or punish these types of culprits under the instructions of the Supreme Court. There was ISI was made under this understanding that in any case they will protect the country but in this political trap the culprits have made the cartel, this group including Muslim league N insisting that the system should not be derailed even if the country is finished(Allah Forbid).

Actually, it is my experience that when the first Martial Law was in power really for the complete decade President Ayub Khan has made this country strongest with the Muslim and Islamic Identity, and the protection for the country he used ABDO for the then Politicians. Now we see and everyone will be agreed that whatever these politician are doing for their vested interest not in the interest of the the country.

Pakistan is an Islamic Democratic country and it the basics of Islam must be regarded as the main stem of the system but here these politicians are looking forward to make this country a secular state.

I vote 100 percent that the Army should not compromise in the security of the country as it is very clear before us in this running situation of the country. Army should take over first punich the culprits and after that must prove the need of this type of operation otherwise we have no way to get save.

For the safe existence of Pakistan if Democracy is not fit throw it away and safe Pakistan.

Syed Haseen Abbas Madani
About the Author: Syed Haseen Abbas Madani Read More Articles by Syed Haseen Abbas Madani: 79 Articles with 92766 views Since 1964 in the Electronics communication Engineering, all bands including Satellite.
Writing since school completed my Masters in 2005 from Karach
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