Our earth is a paradise if we
live on it in a sensible way; otherwise it is the other name of hell.
Unfortunately, at present, man is misusing the resources of the earth which can
spell a doom for his own existence. Air, soil, water and space all are getting
Air pollution is taking place because of mindless felling down of trees and
poisonous emissions from chimneys of factories and automobiles. Excessive use of
insecticides and pesticides is causing soil pollution. Poisonous elements are
finding their way to the food- grains and milk.
Water channels like rivers and canals are getting polluted due to the release of
highly deleterious effluents into them by the industrial units. Even sea water
is getting polluted. Tons of debris from hurtling space-ships is polluting the
space. Experimental nuclear explosions and leakages from nuclear plants also
cause atmospheric pollution.
Quite another type of pollution is the noise pollution. It is caused by
loud-speakers, factory buzzers, vehicular horns, high pitch of T. V. sets and
radios and noises in streets and markets. Noise pollution can cause great injury
to our delicate nerves. In fact, all kinds of pollution are harmful to man in
more than one ways.
It is high time that man gives attention to the hazard of pollution of all
kinds. Otherwise, there may be not only wide-spread epidemics, but even his
existence on this planet may be in danger.
Thanking you